Thursday, July 22, 2004

I want that job! And boycott that movie!

I just got home not too long ago and immediately turned on ESPN to watch my newest guilty pleasures: Around the Horn and Pardon the Interuption (PTI).

There is just something really fun about watching grown men argue over sports (and even funnier to watch them argue over stuff that's not sports).  But it leads me to wonder... how the Hell do u get a job like this??? 

I mean seriously, they are getting paid to go on TV and argue over sports (in a friendly competition).  I want that job!  I can ramble on about sports and other random current events!  Lucky bastards...

In other news, to no one's pleasure (except horny teenagers who prob have no access to porn) Catwoman opens tomorrow.

I urge you all to boycott this movie.  It looks absolutely terrible.  Plus I'm a comic fan and this isn't even the Catwoman from the Batman comics, the costume is terrible, the acting looks bad and even the special effects look totally lame.

Even the Daily News had the right idea.  This is off the blurb for their review of the movie:
"Halle Berry needs to take out her Oscar every morning and swear to it that she will not accept any more demeaning, stupid roles. Unfortunately, it's too late to do anything about "Catwoman," which litters the nation's screens beginning at midnight tonight"

Just to show you how much I'm against this movie... I have a free ticket to it which I got when I bought the Batman: The Animated Series Vol. 1 DVD and I STILL would refuse to go.  'Nuff Said.


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