Monday, July 26, 2004

Bunch of punks...

Had a fairly laid back weekend which was nice.

I won tix from KROCK to go see the sneak preview of Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle on Friday.  This seems to be the summer of dumb movies (Dodgeball, Anchorman, etc), and I love it.

This weekend was also the next series of games between the NY Yankees and Boston Red Sox.  So of course I watched as much of them as I could.  Sadly Boston won 2 out of 3 (with a heart-breaker on Sat) but while watching these games with Ariana we came to a conclusion... Boston is a team of punks.

Seriously, look at the majority of them!  They are all scummy looking dudes!  And to make things worse their "better than thou" attitudes make them even more grimy.

But yeah look down the list of them... Pedro... just look at him, that face... uggh, I just wanna smack him.  Trash I tell you.

Same with Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz... and what's with the disgustingly dirty batting hats??  Wash those damn things u dirty bums!

Wow... I sound pretty hateful right there and I'm not, anyone who knows me, is aware of that... but uggh, they do just bother me.  And thing is, this isn't just b/c I'm a Yankee fan, they just seem like scummy guys (not all of them I'm sure but a bunch of them).  Even if I wasn't a Yankee fan I'd think this of their team.  I pray they don't get to the World Series this year... the Yanks don't have to win it, just as long as Boston doesn't.  Those guys don't deserve it.  Maybe when they build a team with class it won't bother me so much but until then, they shall earn my ire.

Just watch how I'll laugh if(/when?) they don't even make the playoffs (Go Chi Sox, Oakland and Anaheim!)

Hmm... now I feel I gotta end this on a happier (or at least different) note.  Oh yeah, I finally watched Unbreakable again (3 years later) with Ariana and my mom (who were seeing it for the first time).  And I still think it was awesome, and now after knowing the ending, I caught a LOT of clues throughout the movie, which was cool.  I also watched some of that documentary thing on M. Night Shamalyan and damn... that thing was creepy... and I don't know whether to believe it or not... but I believe it did it's job... I now wanna see The Village.

They can say all they want about Shamalyan being against the documentary and being fake, but I don't believe that this WASN'T some kind of ploy to get people interested in his movie which oh, just so happens to be opening within the next week or so.  So yeah whether it was real or not, nice marketing ploy there.  Props to you all if that was a work, well done.


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