Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My week off

Well I already mentioned some of the stuff I did on my week off in my last post (Yanks vs Mets, Superman Returns, renting DVD's, etc), but that was just the first part of the week.

Last Monday, Ariana wanted to go to the beach, but it being the day before 4th of July, we figured it'd be insane, so she then came up with the idea to just have a picnic at Fordham. So we brought our fold out chairs and blankets and chilled on Eddie's parade. I took a walk around the campus and went to the gym after as well. We had also planned on going to the pool but they were having lessons for kids and it was full, so we had to put that plan on hold. It was still a nice day in all though.

Then the next day was the fourth of July. Originally, the gang was supposed to go to a park for a BBQ but those plans fell through and we had to change things up. We decided to meet later on and go to the Chart House over in Dobbs Ferry for dinner. But I was still in the mood for a BBQ, so my mom and Pat actually did one anyways, and we invited my grandparents over for some good food.

We then met up with the rest of the crew to go to the Chart House. It was a pretty nice place. We got our table outside and the weather was great. The restaurant is right on the river so we had a really nice view and were able to see the fireworks that night fairly close up (since they had a local show also). So all in all it was a fun night.

The next two-three days I pretty much just vegged out. I bummed around my house, cleaned my room, watched lots of DVR, etc.

Then Saturday rolled around and the fun kicked back into high gear. We were invited by Kristen to her birthday party at the Castle Family Fun Center over in Chester, NY.

I drove up there with Ariana, Goombah, Jordan & Maryann and we met up with almost the entire crew (there were 19 of us altogether).

The theme of the night was pretty much, "you're never too old to act like a kid" and boy did we live up to that theme. We started the day with a round of mini-golf. My team was me, Ariana, Maryann & Jordan. Now I hadn't played mini-golf in years, so it took me awhile to get used to it, so I was seriously sucking at first. But then a few holes in, I got the hang of it and started to kick serious butt, scoring 2's for a bunch of holes. I even got a hole in one in the 17th hole (go me!). It was close all around b/c Ariana also scored a hole in one earlier in the game (at a hole that was a lot more difficult than the one I made in) and Jordan & Maryann were not far behind either, but I stuck it out and was able to claim victory by 1 point over Ariana in the end.

We then had what basically amounted to a pizza party, with soda, ice cream and even goodie bags (with balloons, poppers, etc). I felt like I was 10 again, it was great.

Then we headed over to the go-karts. It was a decent size track and I believe they were the gas-powered karts too (with the lawn-mower engines). I did pretty well for myself, passing a bunch of people (which I was happy about since I started towards the rear of the line). Even Ariana did decent, which I was very proud about, since she doesn't even have her license yet.

So yeah, the go-karts were a lot of fun. I just wished we had stopped over by the supermarket first to pick up some bananas or other items to throw at each other a la Mario Kart, lol. (And oh yeah, the theme from the game was running in my head the entire time I was driving, lol).

After go-karts, we were also given a few free tokens to play in the arcade. A few of us decided to make a World Cup of Air Hockey while we were there with 8 participants. This is how the brackets broke down:

Round 1:

Henry (Dominican Republic) vs Gaetano (Italy)

Goombah (Italy) vs Jordan (mixed I guess, I don't know which country he declared himself)

Me (Puerto Rico) vs Athena (Greece)

Ariana (PR) vs Maryann (PR)

-Gaetano, Jordan, Myself and Ariana won our respective matches to set up Round 2. I'm stealing my line back from Henry in declaring it was "the battle of the couples"-

Gaetano vs Jordan

Me vs Ariana

-Gaetano defeated Jordan, and I defeated Ariana to set up the Italy vs Puerto Rico finals. Both of us were tired from playing straight matches, but I was on a roll and winning 4-2 when Gaetano "accidentally" tripped over and unplugged the power cord to both the air hockey machines.

We were able to get replacement tokens and set the score back to 4-2, but by that time all my momentum was gone and Gaetano came back to win the final 7-5. Those tricky Italians! I was screwed I tell you!

(Whatever, I'll let him have that victory as a gift since he's leaving us for awhile, but I will have my revenge!!)

And that was pretty much the end of the night. Oh, but the best part I forgot to mention- all that only cost $16!! It was such a great deal. I wish it was closer, but even still, it's a place to definitely keep in mind for the future. Good times...


The next day was pretty laid back. I went to church, and afterwards I watched the actual World Cup final at my grandparents place. It was a pretty good game, which Italy won in a shootout 5-3. After the game I was tempted to swing by either Morris Park or Arthur Ave since I KNEW there would probably be some massive celebration. In the end I didn't go, but I wish I had after I had two seperate people tell me that they did go and it was insane, but lots of fun. Oh well.


And that was pretty much it. I'm now back at work and fairly bored, but at least I know we have another fun weekend coming up ahead, with our Six Flags trip as well as Athena & Ashley's Scavenger Hunt b-day party. Good times ahead!


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