Friday, June 16, 2006

A movie recomendation for you

So yeah, this past weekend, even before the ECW PPV, I went down to the city with Ariana, Greg & Henry to see a foreign action film called District B13.

I hadn't even heard of the movie until just about a week before we went to see it. Henry had sent out an e-mail inviting us, along with a review and some clips of the movie.

Well after seeing just two of the clips I was hooked (there were more on the site, but I didn't want all the cool scenes ruined, since I knew I wanted to see the whole movie).

District B13 is a French film, that was released in France about two years ago, but it's popularity brought it here to the States. Basically it's like a Jackie Chan movie on steriods. The two stars of the movie are insane with all their stunts (which they do themselves, no wire work here, just crazy athletic ability). One of the guys uses more of the "parkeur" style, while the other is a more offensive fighting style. Just check out the clips to see what I'm talking about (but I'd advise not to go past the first 2 clips if you really wanna see it, otherwise it just ruins things).

So yeah, the movie kicked much ass. Plot is ultra-simple, but the action is intense and makes for a very cool movie experience. With guys like the two leads out there, you kind of wonder why studios pay millions for fools like Tom Cruise to run around on blue screens and use camera tricks for sweet stunts?


There is one more thing I have to say about the movie though. Not really ABOUT the movie, but a joke made from it. During the credits of the movie, they play a hardcore rap song in French. But throughout the song, there is one dude just shouting "QUOI!" Which got Greg to jokingly refer to him as the French Lil Jon.

That alone had us cracking up and pulling out the typical Lil Jon catchphrases like "WHAT!?" "OK!" and "YEAH!" But then Ariana stepped it up a notch by impersonating a French Lil Jon shouting "OUI!"

And that got us all laughing hysterically. I don't know why, but we all thought it was the funniest thing ever. We were cracking up the entire way out of the theater. Our cheeks were hurting, we were laughing so hard.

At that point, Henry started joking about finding and doctoring a pic of Lil Jon by putting a beret on him with a word balloon that said "OUI!" on it, which got us laughing even more.

Well Henry actually went through with it and the next day in our inboxes he sent a link to download the song, as well as these:

It's just too funny... lol.


Blogger NicaDomi said...

I play the song all the time!

11:52 AM  

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