Thursday, June 01, 2006

Catching up with the rest of May

I'd prefer to break up this longer blog (since I have a bunch of stuff to catch up on), but I'm feeling lazy. I'll put breakpoints in for different stuff though, in case any of you wanna skip ahead on anything I have here.


I FINALLY got around to watching Final Fantasy VII- Advent Children (I had it for the longest time but with all the DVR and stuff, I didn't have time to squeeze in a movie). It was pretty cool. It was a little confusing (as most hardcore anime movies are) but the graphics were amazing.

Then the following week I also got around to watching the Ultimate Avengers DVD. It wasn't as cool as the comic (b/c the comic makes Captain America an absolute badass), but it was decent.


We got to go to the Yankees vs Red Sox game on May 10th. It was my first NY-Boston game since the ALCS Game 7 in 2003 (the Aaron Boone homer one) and it was actually Ariana's first ever Yanks-Sox game. So we all had a blast. And the Yanks won this game 7-3, so we were psyched. Oh and I got hooked up with a free hot dog from one of my old co-workers, so that's always cool.


Spent a good amount of the rest of the week finishing up telling people about the engagement (since we were only telling between maybe 2-3 people a night). But I'm pretty sure all of our friends know by this point (if you're reading this post you DEFINITELY should know, lol).

We also announced our engagement at my church. Well actually we just went so we could tell people little by little, but my mom told my pastor to announce it in front of everybody- thus embarrassing me, but it was funny and in the end it saved us a good amount of time, lol

Afterwards, we treated both our families to Fuji Mountain Hibachi Restaurant for Mother's Day. The food there was great and our chef was one of the more amusing guys, which we all appreciated (especially since most of my family had never been to a Hibachi place before).


Oh, one other fairly big development- I got a new phone!

It's an LG8100 and I got a blue-tooth for it as well. It's pretty cool, it makes me feel like something out of Star Trek (or that villain in 24), lol.

I also went nuts downloading music for ringtones. I got real tones as well as midis. I finally got "Enter Sandman" by Metallica as one of my rings. I got cool wallpapers as well- Spidey, Evil Monkey from Family Guy, my SP character, Yankees, Naruto, etc.

So I'm pretty happy with that purchase.


Speaking of purchases:
I bought Suikoden V the other week. I don't know when I'll get around to playing it, but I have it, lol

-I found out about a sweet Foo Fighters Acoustic Show @ Beacon Theatre in Aug, and was able to score tix for me and Ariana.

-Then the next day I was able to get a few tix for Carlos Mencia also @ Beacon Theatre but that show isn't until Nov. I'll be going to that with Ariana, Christina, Sheila, Joe & Marisa. That should be a blast. I just wish it wasn't so far away.


I had my group interview for the counseling program at Lehman on the Saturday before last. I think it went well (at the very least they told us that it was good news we were even there, as that means we made it past the first round of reviews). The interview was long b/c it was broken up into three parts, but it didn't really feel like it.

The only annoying thing was that they told us we wouldn't hear a decision until the middle of June and I had already signed up for summer classes at Mercy College that start on June 5th. But I didn't want to give up my chance of attending Lehman, so I dropped the summer classes and if anything I will start Mercy in the fall if I wind up not getting into Lehman (although I'm really praying that I do get in)


Later that night we had dinner (a triple date basically) with Henry, Leah, Joe & Marisa. We went to New Roc and ate at Applebees and then went to see Over the Hedge. We saw the movie at 9:30pm and the theater was packed with kids. We got a little annoyed b/c the kids were loud and cranky. But kids shouldn't be out at a movie that late anyways. I think that's just bad parenting. People need to be more considerate of others. I think we all agreed after the movie that none of us would ever do that with our future kids.


-Finally got Hoobastank's new CD in the mail. It might take me a bit to get used to. It didn't hook me as fast as the other albums have. But I think it'll grow on me, there are at least a few songs I really liked off the bat, like "Inside of You", which I have on my myspace profile.


The new season of WWE Fantasy began last week. It's a 14 week one this time... it's gonna be nuts. But should be fun.

Speaking of wrestling, ECW is making it's full time return. I've mentioned already that I have tix to the One Night Stand II show coming up, but now they are also gonna have a show on the Sci-Fi Network as well as a house show schedule (where they will be coming back to the Westchester County Center). So I'm really psyched about that, it should be cool.


And this next part could probably be a post onto itself, but see my aforementioned comment about my laziness.

I had a busy weekend this past weekend. First off, I had an even longer, long weekend than most people b/c my job is awesome and gave us all the day off on Friday as well. Ariana took off from her job too, so we spent the day together. First we went and got her a DVR box of her own. So now, we can switch around whose houses we go to on the weekends, cuz all the stuff just
isn't at my house anymore..

Then we went to the Palisades Mall. We got up there around 2pm and bought 3 tix (for me, Ariana, and Joe Vozz) to see X-Men 3: The Last Stand later that night (showing was at 8:30pm). We wandered the mall pretty much the whole day. I got a bunch of stuff I know I don't need but was cool anyways- like 2 more Star Wars Transformers (got Boba Fett and Darth Maul) as well as a really kick ass Lego Batmobile. I'll prob have to wait til I'm married and have my own place to have a space to put that one, but i don't mind waiting.

Finally, time came for the movie. We headed early to the theater (well Ariana got there at 8pm while I was busy putting stuff we bought in the car, which was still a full half hour before the movie was supposed to start) but the theater wound up being jam packed! There weren't even two seats together, let alone three. Not even at the very front of the theater (which I wouldn't have sat in anyway, but still, just sayin). So we wound up returning our tix.

But then we had a decision to make. The next available showing at Palisades wasn't until 11:40pm, a full three hours away. But they had showings at New Roc a lot earlier that were available. So in the end we decided to go to New Roc and see if we could catch the 10:30 showing (and before you ask, no, going home and forgetting about the movie was NOT an option. I'm too big of a comic book geek for that, lol).

So we ordered the tix through Fandango (and a note to everyone, never do it by phone if u have a choice. Their system SUCKS!! It's so damn sensitive for some things and other things it doesn't understand no matter how clear u speak). But yeah we got there fairly early and were waiting inline. Thing is, they had us jammed into a corner, but didn't have the ropes to snake the people around. So the people who arrived earlier were towards the back, and the people who showed up later were jamming themselves in the front, which totally was not fair. So people started to have fits and it just became a huge mess. We spoke to the ushers and told them that to restore order they needed to put barriers in, but they didn't listen. So people nearly bumrushed into the theater when it opened. Luckily, Ariana is small and feisty and she was able to squeeze up ahead and make her way into the theater ahead of most people and save seats for me and Joe. Ahh, that's just another one of the many reasons I love that woman, heh.

-As for the movie itself, going into it, I was at best cautiously optimistic. I really wanted to like the movie, but from a few clips and previews I saw, I didn't know if I would like it as much as the previous two movies. Luckily, my fears were unfounded and the movie wound up being really cool. I won't give any spoilers but I think they did a very good job in giving the fans what they wanted by showing things like certain uses of powers, attacks, etc. And they even snuck in a hilarious reference to a fan-dubbed cartoon. The movie actually could have stood to be about 20 mins longer, but for what it had, it was pretty sweet. So yeah, overall I defintely give the movie a big two thumbs up- go see it!


The next day was Maryann's graduation party. We were supposed to have it at Central Park, but due to threats of rain they changed plans and had it at Jordan's house. I think that wound up working out well for everyone (as we got to add a BBQ to the mix). Lots of drinking ensued and I think everyone had a good time, heh.

And finally, I ran around a bit on Sunday (although nothing really big to report on here) and on Monday my Mom & Pat made a BBQ for my whole family. so that was cool.

And yeah I think I'm once again caught up. Now that the summer is rolling around I'll make a better effort to keep on top of this blog, so keep checking back!


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