Thursday, June 08, 2006

For a Good Cause

This week Superman/Batman #26 came out in comic book stores.

Why do I mention this, considering I rarely mention comics here? Well b/c this is a special issue. It was written by Sam Loeb, the son of the famous comic writer, Jeph Loeb. Sam was 17 years old and died of cancer almost a year ago. But before he died, he plotted this issue of the comic. He didn't get to finish it, but 26 of the best comic writers and artists joined together to finish the book that Sam started. It's a really heartbreaking/heartwarming story. And DC Comics has decided to donate all profits from the sales of this issue to a college scholarship fund set up in Sam's name.

The full story, as well as a brief interview with Jeph Loeb can be found here.

You should all go out and buy a copy (or two).


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