Thursday, June 15, 2006

ECW One Night Stand 2006

This past Sunday, me and Ariana went to the ECW- One Night Stand PPV that I had been looking forward to for the past two months. Like last year- it was at the Hammerstein Ballroom. We arrived early, but the line was still all the way down the city block. So as we passed all the hardcore ECW fans we saw all the signs, t-shirts and costumes they had. We definitely had some characters in the crowd (we had one dude near us who looked EXACTLY like Mick Foley- only the guy couldn't have been more than like 22 years old). Another funny character was this dude, who got off the line and had a buddy with a video camera. He began to cut a promo in the middle of the block while his buddy recorded it. I couldn't hear everything he was saying but it was still amusing, b/c it looked like he was trying out for WWE or something, but the guy was skinny and pretty nerdy looking, so obviously no one was going to take him seriously. So the crowd in line started to heckle the guy as he continued to shoot his promo. But then just as he was about to wrap up his promo (with the whole crowd chanting insults at him) he took off his ECW t-shirt to reveal a TNA shirt underneath! This got the crowd to go nuts and start cursing the guy out hardcore. It was pretty funny. That dude definitely had a lot of guts to pull that in front of an ECW crowd. Props to him.

So yeah, overall the crowd was great. Everyone was really excited for the show and just into everything that was happening (heck, they were going nuts before the show even began).

The best sign of the night (besides mine, but I'll get to that later), were these two dudes on the first balcony that had a HUGE sign that said "If Cena wins we RIOT!" They hung the sign up over the balcony as soon as they arrived (about 15 mins before the show began) and got the crowd really psyched. What made it even more funny though was there was a small boy (probably around 8-9 years old) on the opposite side of the balcony who was actually a Cena fan and brought a "CENA RULES!" sign with him. He also hung the sign on the balcony and this just drew the ire of everyone in his surrounding area. The whole audience started to curse the kid out and chant stuff at him. So I turned to Ariana all like "poor kid, he's probably turning to his dad right now like- 'Daddy, why do all these people hate me?" [I blame the father though, he should have raised his child with better sense, lol]

Before I continue, for those of you who are not into wrestling, I guess I should explain a few small things really quick. First off, ECW is VERY different than WWE. It's more violent and insane. Basically it's a more adult wrestling product (this ain't for kids). The main event was Rob Van Dam (RVD for short) versus the WWE Champion John Cena. Now you all know how much I dislike the Cena character (and have disliked him for years now). Well RVD is one of my favorite wrestlers, and is also the favorite wrestler of almost every big ECW fan (and even if he wasn't, just the fact he was representing ECW would get them to cheer him over Cena). So basically the ENTIRE arena was for RVD and VERY against Cena. And not just in a "Boo! Cena sucks!" kind of way. I'm talking, when those guys put the sign up in the arena that said they'd riot if Cena won... well, they really weren't kidding.

No joke, if the WWE was stupid enough to let Cena win, the whole entire arena would have stormed that ring and rioted. It would have been a truly scary thing.

But with the thoughts of a possible riot aside, the night was awesome, lol. We had great seats. We were on the floor bleachers towards the right of the entrance ramp, so we had a great view for the most part. I say only "for the most part" b/c the people in front of us (ALL the people) would keep standing during important parts of the matches and they would stay standing for a long time. Thus, forcing us to stand for long periods of time as well. And not only standing, but people would stand on their chairs too, which forced us to stand on our bleacher seats. So it was kind of annoying b/c we kept having to stand and sit. Ariana pointed out that if not for all the violence and profanity it was almost like a Catholic mass.

So yeah- as for the matches, all of them were pretty good for the most part. The matches were:
-Taz def. Jerry Lawler (in like 20 seconds with the tazzmission)
-Kurt Angle def. Randy Orton
-The FBI def. Super Crazy & Tajiri (Big Show came out afterwards and pummeled everyone involved in the match- at that point I actually got the crowd to laugh when Super Crazy missed a dive off the ropes toward Big Show and I shouted "How do you miss THAT!?!").
-Rey Mysterio and Sabu went to a No-Contest after an absolutely sick flying DDT onto a table on the outside knocked both guys out. So Mysterio retained the World Title.
-Mick Foley, Edge & Lita def. Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer & Beulah in one of the most violent and bloody matches I've seen in my entire life when Edge speared the crap out of Beulah after dropping Dreamer with some barbed wire to the eyes and putting Terry Funk through a barb-wire covered board on the outside (did I mention there was fire involved too? Like I said, sick stuff).
-Balls Mahoney def. Masato Tanaka in what was actually a bit of a disappointing match considering the crazy display Tanaka put on last year against Mike Awesome.
-Rob Van Dam def. John Cena to win the WWE/ECW Title (trust me this post would be a lot different if I had lived through a riot, lol).

(Orton trying to escape an Ankle-lock from Kurt Angle)

(Tajiri & Super Crazy put the FBI in a compromising position)

(Terry Funk spinning a ladder around, knocking guys out)

The main event was great. The match itself probably wouldn't be rated above average at any other time, but with the intensity and hatred of the audience towards Cena- it was something I've never seen or experienced before in my life. The crowd wanted BLOOD and they let Cena know it. They booed him massively the second his entrance music began. And when Cena did his normal routine of taking off his shirt and throwing it into the crowd, the crowd threw the shirt back (four or five seperate times) until Cena just gave up. They then started chanting things at him all the way from "F*** You Cena!"; "Same Old Sh*t!"; and my personal favorite "You Can't Wrestle! ::clap, clap, clapclapclap::"

(Cena couldn't GIVE his shirt away in this crowd)

So of course, when RVD actually won the title, the crowd erupted in approval. And since the wrestlers knew how important this was to all the fans, RVD and the other ECW wrestlers came out and celebrated for a good 15-20 minutes all throughout the arena after the match was over.

(RVD and the other ECW wrestlers celebrating the title victory)

And finally, at the very end of the night I was able to get someone to take a pic of me & Ariana with the sign I made for the show, while standing in front of the ring.

So yeah, all in all it was a very awesome night.


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