Monday, August 28, 2006

Codine is a great drug...

I had my wisdom teeth pulled this past Thursday. It's not a fun experience. I had actually avoided and prayed I would never have to have them removed b/c my mouth is so small. I was afraid the surgeon would have a hard time removing them, and there would be complications.

But when I went to the dentist the other week, he highly suggested I take them out, b/c the bottom ones were coming in totally sideways, and the upper ones were coming out lower than the other teeth and could bother the lower teeth and gums.

So I finally decided to just get it over with. I also just needed to get it done before I go back to grad school this week, so I bit the bullet.

Thank God, it wasn't as bad as I expected. Yeah it hurt a bit, but not as much as I expected. Plus, as the title suggests, they gave me some great painkillers so that helped a great deal. I was actually more sore around my lips and jaw, b/c they really had to stretch me open (because of my small mouth). And the bottom right side of my mouth also bothers a bit, b/c they apparently had a pretty hard time removing that tooth. So the dentist did tell me that would be sore for a few days. But I spent the weekend, nice and loopy due to the meds and just eating lots of jello and ice cream. So like I said, overall, it wasn't TOO bad.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I bet you're all dying to know...

... how we did on those Millionaire auditions, right?

Well, they happened yesterday. Basically, everyone had to take a written test (30 questions in 10 minutes). When we walked in, the papers were already set up on the table, and it just felt like we were going in to take the SATs or something, lol.

But anyways, we took the test, and sadly we did not pass it. Some questions were easy, but some were pretty tough, even the pop culture stuff was kind of obscure. But the guy running the auditions was like "to anyone who didn't pass, feel free to try again, we'll be having auditions until Thursday."

So while both me and Ariana were disappointed, we figured "hey, why not try again tomorrow? There's nothing to lose." So when we got home, we signed up and we were accepted again.

So today was round 2. I wound up playing the Millionaire game on their website all day as a means of "studying." I also googled in all the questions from the test that I didn't know the answers to that I could remember.

This time, we were less nervous. We figured, the worst they could say is we didn't pass again. Plus, we didn't even know how much we missed by the day before. We could have missed by 5 answers, or heck, we might have only missed by one (they don't tell you). So we just went for it. We felt better about ourselves this time though, especially since we knew what to expect. So we took the test again, and they actually had some of the same questions from the day before! Including some that I had just googled the answers to earlier in the day! So that was very good for us! Plus, I had a feeling I did well on the newer stuff.

Once they graded the tests, they began calling the numbers of the couples that passed and they actually called our number! Both me and Ariana passed the test! They then took a picture of us, and we had a short, five minute interview with one of the producers of the show. I think we did decently on that, plus any fears we had on that were alleviated when we spoke to the doorman as we were leaving. The guy was friendly, and had actually wished us luck going in, b/c he recognized us from the day before, so we started chatting with him. He mentioned to us to not worry about the callbacks, b/c he said they'll callback almost everyone b/c they need the people, since there are a few tapings of the show and not a lot of people were passing the tests. So that made us feel pretty good.

Now we just have to wait the 3-4 weeks for the postcard that will tell us our fate. Our fingers and toes are currently crossed and I will be praying non-stop til then. Wish us luck!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Say a Prayer/Wish Us Luck!

Me & Ariana have been on vacation all this week. So we've been watching some daytime TV. Well the other day while watching Millionaire on ABC, we saw a commercial asking for engaged couples who would like to try out for a special taping(s).

Basically, it's to help engaged couples about to get married to pay for their wedding. So we were like "let's sign up and see what happens!" So we e-mailed our information in the other day, and we actually got an e-mail back asking for us to come down to the studios on Tuesday at 5pm for an audition (which consists of a test we must both pass, and if we do, then we have an interview with producers and stuff).

So it's pretty exciting. We've been practicing by playing the Millionaire game they have on their website at

We don't know if anything will happen, but at least we've got one foot in the door. So say a prayer, and who knows, you might just see us on TV within the next few months!

Concert goodness!

For the first time in a few years, I had more than one concert in a week! I used to do it all the time in college (and even a handful of times after college), but the last year or two hasn't been the greatest for concerts. But this week was a long-awaited change.

I already had tix to see The Living End over at the Avalon (formerly the club known as Limelight) on Tuesday (Aug 8th), but a few weeks back Stevo contacted me about going to see The Dave Matthews Band at Randall's Island that Sunday (Aug 6th) b/c a buddy of his dropped out and he had an extra ticket, which he said I could have for free (SCORE!).

So yeah, that Sunday I took the train down to 125th street, and was going to take the bus over to Randall's Island, but they were being slick and trying to charge people an extra $5 for a round trip to the Island, instead of just letting us use our metrocards to transfer. I was all like "screw that!" and just walked over to the island b/c it ain't that far!

It took me awhile to find Stevo b/c he was tailgaiting with some of us buddies in one of the parking lots, but I eventually found them. So we chilled there for about 2 hours, which was fun, b/c the people around us were cool (and Stevo was on his "A-game" with hysterical quotes throughout the night), and then we headed into the show.

And we got us one heck of a show, if I do say so myself. They played for just under 3 hours, and had a pretty cool setlist. They played a few songs I hadn't heard in a long time- including some of my favorites, so that had me psyched.

This is the setlist from the show (which I got at

Pantala Naga Pampa
Say Goodbye
When the World Ends
So Much to Say
Anyone Seen the Bridge?
Too Much
Sleep to Dream Her
Break Free
Lie in Our Graves
The Last Stop
Can't Stop
Jimi Thing
Louisiana Bayou

Steady as We Go
Tripping Billies

After the show, I was able to get onto one of the shuttle buses, thus proving it was a ripoff to have to pay an extra $5 to get on them at 125th if they didn't even check for passes on the way back. So that gave me a small degree of satisfaction, lol.


Then that Tuesday was The Living End conert. But earlier in the week the band sent out a bulletin on myspace about a pre-show "meet & greet" at a nearby store. It was gonna be for the first 25 people to show up, and there would be raffles for free stuff and they were having free beer and just a chance to hang out with the band for a bit.

I figured, I should try to go to that (especially since I had no clue who the opening band was that night, so I thought this would be a more amusing way to spend my time).

So I got to the store- it was a custom bag store called Crumplers, around 6pm and there were only four people ahead of me! That was pretty surprising, especially considering the event was supposed to happen at 7:30, and there was gonna be free stuff given away, as well as free beer.

But hey, I wasn't complaining b/c as only the 5th person there, I was guaranteed to get in! So I hung around outside and got to know the other people inline, who were all pretty cool. Two of the people had actually been there since 10:30am b/c they expected a bigger turnout and wanted to be absolutely sure they got in. They were all fun people though, and made the time pass by pretty quickly. One of the guys was even cool enough to offer to take pics for me and e-mail them to me b/c I was all smooth and forgot my digital camera at home. So thanks to you random dude who I'll probably never see again! lol

So yeah, right around 7:30pm we're outside the store, and we see the band just walking down the block like nothing- no limo, heck not even a car, they prob just walked over from the venue!

We all went in, and the people from the store gave everyone a free cellphone/mp3 player holder, that had a number on the box, which was to be used as our raffle number. They were gonna be giving away a few cool items, such as autographed bags from the store (including an AWESOME custom one, that I wish I had a picture of), a few autographed cds and LPs, and more.

The atmosphere was very laid back. The band just went in and chilled with everybody. And at first there weren't even 25 people there (yeah, I forgot to mention it wasn't just the 5 of us, about 18 more people showed up right as the event was starting). But yeah, it was cool b/c I actually got to meet and hang out with each individual band member for a few minutes each. I wound up chatting with Scott, the bass player, the longest. They were all really nice guys, but he seemed the most social. Chris, the lead singer was nice as well, but he was a little under the weather so he wasn't as chatty (although I did talk to him for a good five minutes).

I also got all their autographs and pics with each of them, so like I said it was pretty cool. The pics are posted below:
This is me and the bass player, Scott. He plays one of those big standing basses (I forget the exact name for it), but it's cool b/c sometimes he actually jumps on it during the show and basically plays it while riding it.
This is me with the lead singer/guitarist, Chris.
And last but not least, this is me with the drummer, Andy.

So yeah, meeting the band was a lot of fun, b/c they were really easy to talk to. Stevo wound up showing up to meet them also (he wound up taking Ariana's ticket b/c she wound up going to Puerto Rico to visit her grandma this week).

Then at the end, after the band had just left, they did the raffle and I actually won some prizes! I won an Crumpler's bag autographed by the band, which had all The Living End cds in it (which I gave to Steve since he was cool enough to give me the DMB ticket the other day) and an actual autographed LP record of their new album. So that was pretty cool. I felt kind of bad though b/c the people who had been there from 10:30am didn't win anything, while a bunch of people show showed up after 7:30pm won stuff. I was tempted to give them some of my prizes, but I was beaten to the punch by the other 2 people who we were waiting with b/c they BOTH won stuff, so one of them gave them their autographed LP. So that was really nice.

So yeah, after the meet & greet we walked over to the Avalon, just in time to see the ending of The Lashes opening set (yeah, I lied earlier, I did know who was opening, I just didn't care, lol). We then met up with Anita and Adam at the show, who were actually standing right in the front. The place wasn't jam packed though, so we actually got up to them with no problem and watched the rest of the show from the very front, which was sweet!

The show was awesome as usual. I've seen them like 4 times beforehand, and each time they always put on amazing set. Actually one of the last times I saw them- at the Bowery Ballroom, also with Anita and Adam, the show was SO awesome, that for weeks after, anytime me and Anita ran into each other we'd start yelling "Best show ever!!" I still totally rank it pretty high among my top 10 shows of all time (which is quite a feat considering how many I've been to).

And while the show this time wasn't as awesome as last time, mostly b/c while Chris' sore throat wasn't too bad, it did effect his voice a tad, and it wasn't as long as the last show (which clocked in at almost two hours, while this one only went an hour and 15 mins). But it was still a great show.

Oh, here's a shot I took with my camera phone from the beginning of the concert. It's what I was talking about before with the bassist riding and playing the bass. Cool shot, huh?

After the show, I wound up grabbing some pizza with Anita and Adam, which was cool b/c it gave us a chance to catch up since we hadn't seen each other in awhile. And after that I headed home. So all in all, it was a great night.


Oh, something else I forgot to mention. As you can see by the event that night, The Living End are pretty cool with their fans. Well, they have a myspace page and they are actually awesome enough that they personally respond to pretty much every message/comment you leave for them on their page! They'll even leave a comment for you, wishing you a happy birthday, on your special day.

So, after the show I left a comment on their page about the show, and just this past week they sent out a mass bulletin and in it was this:

"Alicia, Awsingkido, A.BAC PWNS YOU, Alix, Blueberry GreenEyes, Christie, Demander, Dabba, Fly knows theres always bananas, Goober, Georgie, Gabrielle, John-Eric, Jimmy W, Jessica, Kevin, Less than Joe, Loz, Losie, Lidia, Max, Steve Kendall hung out with The Living End, The Idey, The FCC Cant Touch Me, Tu amigo colombiano
Thanks to all that came to Avalon in New York NY and thanks also for those that came from upstate NY or Jersey or said hello at Crumpler or after the show."

So yeah, while that may not have been a "personal" response, it was still cool of them to acknowledge all the fans who left them messages about the show. And if you look on my myspace page, you will see that they did leave me a birthday message as well (and I actually asked them about doing that, and it's not automated or anything, they do it themselves). So just thought that was a cool thing to share.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Animaniacs is out on DVD!

Relive your childhood.

Go buy it!