Monday, September 25, 2006

Calling all gamers!

I have a slight problem that maybe one of you could help me out with.

The other day I ordered Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy for the Gamecube. I was psyched to receive it in the mail yesterday, but there was one small problem that came up once I opened it. As I was reading the instructions I realized that the only way to get a bunch of the characters in this game was to load them in from what you unlocked in the FIRST Lego Star Wars game.

The annoying thing with that is, while do I have the first Lego Star Wars, I have it for the Xbox. So there is no way for me to load anything for my new game (thus, I can't use guys like Darth Maul, General Grievous, Mace Windu, etc).

The problem is that since I already opened the game (even though I haven't even played it), I can't return it. I called up Amazon and tried making up a story in order for me to exchange it, but since I want the game for a new system it's a pretty big pain. They basically want me to return my ENTIRE order (I had also purchased a CD and a DVD) in order for my stuff to be changed. Thing is, I had already opened the other items and there is nothing wrong with them. I tried to come to some sort of resolution with the customer service operator, but with the way he was explaining things, I'm not 100% sure I'd get a flat out exchange without losing any money. So I'm not gonna risk it.

So now I've only got a few options open to me. I can:
A) buy the first game for the Gamecube and go through that whole game again so I can transfer stuff over (something I'd prefer not to do, cuz although the game isn't long, it took me a good amount of time to unlock everything I did in that game).
B) find someone who played and unlocked everything for the Gamecube version and see if they'd be willing to let me copy their save game on my memory card (something I'm thinking is very doubtful to happen).

or C) seeing if anyone would like to buy my copy of the game, so I can use the money and just flat out buy a copy of the Xbox version for myself.

So I'm basically hoping that one of you reading this, is a fan of the Lego Star Wars games, and would like to buy my copy. It's $40 (flat, forget the tax), and while it has been opened, it's basically BRAND SPANKIN NEW b/c I haven't even taken it out of the box.

Just let me know if any of you (or maybe someone you know that is trustworthy) are interested, b/c it would be a big help to me! Thanks a lot!


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