Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wrapping up the week (watching lots of movies)

This past week was a fairly laid back week with a few small outtings.

On Tuesday I went with Ariana to see the Yankees take on the Seattle Mariners. It wound up just being me & Ariana b/c Christina & Sheila couldn't make it. Might have been for the best for them though, as there was a huge rain delay.

Don't get me wrong though, the game was exciting. The Yanks had been losing the game 4-2 until they tied it in the bottom of the 9th. There was one man on base, and A-Rod was up with two outs and a count of 3-1. But at that point it had been raining a bit and the umpire called for the tarp.

We were annoyed that they couldn't at least let A-Rod finish his at-bat (in hopes he'd hit a game-winning hit and we could go home), but it was coming down pretty hard. We were tempted to leave, but I'm a hardcore fan, and I almost never leave a game before it ends. So me and Ariana were troopers and stuck it out for a two hour rain delay.

Sadly, A-Rod proceeded to strike out as soon as the game restarted. However, we were rewarded in the end when Melky Cabrera led off the 11th inning with a walk-off homerun to give the Yanks the win.


During the week, I re-watched both Clerks and Pirates of the Caribbean in order to refresh my memory of the movies and psyche myself up for seeing the sequals to each this past weekend.

I went with Ariana to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest on Friday. It was VERY good. It was a little long for my tastes but it was a lot of fun. But as much fun as it was, I still don't get how it broke so many records. I knew the movie had a bit of a following, but I didn't realize it was THAT big.

Then the next day I went with Ariana, Greg & Jessii to see Clerks 2. And oh man, was that movie freakin hilarious. Kevin Smith truly brought the funny with his latest movie. It's about as good of a sequel as anyone could have asked for. Tons of great references that I won't spoil here, but I must say that Randall's riffing on the Lord of the Rings trilogy had me on the floor! There is only ONE trilogy, and it stars Jedi, not hobbits! lol

-And I already filled everyone in about the HDTV, so that's pretty much it in terms of highlights for the week.


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