Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fun-filled Weekend

Well I just had another weekend full of kid-like fun.

On Friday, me, Ariana, Greg and Alan went to Six Flags Great Adventure. I had a coupon from the Daily News that got us all in for only $20.06 each. Plus me and Ariana got a "Flash Pass," which allowed us to basically not have to wait inline for hours.

We got to the park fairly early (around 11am) and didn't leave til like just before 8pm. So we got to go on a good amount of rides and stuff.

The first ride we went on was the teacups. Now you may be thinking "so what, who cares if you went on the teacups? Tell us about the coasters!" Well, you see the teacups were basically on par with the coasters b/c Alan was the one steering our cups. The man has been working out, so he sent our cup spinning so fast, the cyntrifical force was sticking us to the ends of the cup. It was insane. At the end of the day, we went back to the teacups, but this time I didn't get on and just watched and took pics. There was a group of about 3 dudes in a cup near the one our group was in that basically had the same idea as Alan, so it was just really amusing to watch b/c as the ride is going you see most of the teacups just spinning around all nice, while there are 2 cups which are going in tornado-like speeds. It was pretty funny.

-As for the other rides we went on, we got to go on: the Spongebob 3D ride (what? it was fun! lol), a space shuttle attack game (that we had to pay for, but it was pretty fun, and we were only 500 points shy of beating the top score of the day), Kingda-Ka (more on that one later), Bumper cars, the Superman Ride, Nitro, Batman, the Movietown Water Effect, the flying swings (for relaxation) and we also paid to do the Go-Karts.

-Thankfully, we had gotten the Flash Pass otherwise we would not have even been able to do HALF of that list, b/c the park was pretty full that day. Heck, the wait for Kingda-Ka alone was TWO AND A HALF HOURS!

Speaking of Kingda-Ka... omg, what an INSANE ride!! I don't know if any of you have seen this thing before, but it's the scariest looking thing. It's a super-short ride (it probably lasts for barely 15 seconds) but oh man, what a heart-pounding 15 seconds!

If you haven't seen what the ride looks like, basically, you start off on a short runway, then the ride operator says "heads back, arms in, and LAUNCH!" and the ride zooms out from 0-120mph in like 3 seconds as it heads up to what basically looks like an upside down "U" (oh but it is not as simple as a "U" b/c there are twists on it both going up AND down).

Thank god, we had the Flashpass, b/c not only would it have been insane to wait 2 and a half hours to get on a 15 second ride (I would not have done it otherwise, but still), but waiting on a line basically would have given me time to actually think about what I was about to do and I might have chickened out. As it stood, with the pass, we basically got on the ride immediately, so I had no time to think about anything. We did have a few moments to let what was about to happen sink in after we were strapped into the ride though. And I think by the look on Ariana's face as we were getting ready to go, that she may have opted out of the ride if she had time to think as well.

But oh man, as scary as it looked, it was freakin awesome. Like I said, it's very short, so I wouldn't waste my time on a 2 and a half hour ride, but if you go, buy yourself a flash pass and get on this ride!

Edit: I found a pic of the ride so you could all see. On the site I also found a description which states that the coaster is 456 ft high (just so you have an idea how high that is, there are airplane lights at the top of the thing to make sure planes don't crash into it, lol) and does go from 0-128 mph in less than 4 seconds. As I said... it's sick.-And like I mentioned before, we got on a bunch of rides, so it was a really fun outting altogether.

But the day was not over yet, b/c as soon as I had dropped off Alan and Greg, me and Ariana had to run home to get ready to head right back out and go to Gaetano's going away gathering over at James Joyce (a bar up near White Plains).

We arrived late (around 11:30pm) but we stayed until the guest of honor himself left. Lots of people showed up and the place was pretty cool (maybe a bit loud to carry on a good convo, but fun nonetheless). We even ran into Joey D and Jay Brown there, who were chilling with their own crew. So we chatted with them for a bit.

But yeah, after the party was over, we headed back b/c we had another long day ahead of us that we had been looking forward to.


So we arrived at the Museum of Natural History around 2:30pm to meet up with everyone for the big Scavenger Hunt for Athena & Ashley's birthdays. We split our group into three teams. There was (correct me if I got this wrong, but I know I'm in the ballpark) "the greeks and the lone latino" which consisted of Henry, Athena, and 3 of her friends whose names escape me. Then there was the team of Gaetano, Kristen, Goombah and Adam. I forget what they wound up calling themselves, but we kept joking the entire time they should call themselves "Team Cripple" or "Team Gimp" b/c Adam was in a wheelchair for the event (due to his messed up ankle). The final team consisted of myself, Ariana, Jordan, Maryann and one of the b-day girls- Ashley. We were known effectionately as "Team Awesome."

The hunt itself was a ton of fun. Basically you have an hour and a half to complete a question sheet of 31 questions. Each group starts at a different question (so that way people don't follow each other and try to steal to many answers) and you run around the museum trying to solve the clues. And when I say "run" I mean literally RUN. We were seriously knocking over little kids and old people the entire time, it was kind of mean but funny. Like when kids were standing in front of displays, reading and educating themselves, we'd be behind them all like "move out of our way! we need to see that!!" and punt them 50 yards out of our way. (Ok ok, maybe that last part was an exaggeration, but we WOULD get annoyed with the kids in our way, lol).

In the end Team Awesome did really well- tying for 3rd place (there were probably about 10 teams playing altogether). Henry's team wound up winning though (boo!), lol.

After the museum we went over to La Vela restaurant for some good Italian food and following that we took the short walk over to Jake's Dilemna, which was a bar I had heard tons about in the past but had never went to. The place was actually really cool, and had a foozeball table! So we got a bunch of games in on that, while the rest of our crew either chilled in the lounge in the back or played pool. They had a beer pong table stationed in the back that we were all tempted to play, but it was taken over by another group. That was probably for the best though... I remember how crazy that game could get, lol.

So we were at the bar for awhile, just chilling, and telling a few stories, especially remembering a few to embarass Henry, lol. But we started to all get kinda tired fairly early (a little before midnight). So we all headed home, and luckily Joe & Patty were awsome enough to give us a ride back to the Bronx so we didn't have to take the tain.

They dropped us off at Ariana's place and since it wasn't all that late yet, Ariana's dad and lady-friend were still up. So we played a few games of dominoes with them. Now I hadn't played dominos since I was pretty young and neither had Ariana, so her dad and his ladyfriend kicked our asses pretty much every game. By the end I started to remember things and we were able to get at least a few victories, but overall we got our butts handed to us, lol. It was a fun time though.

And yeah, that was pretty much it, activities-wise at least. But as you have seen it was a pretty jam-packed weekend. So much so that I wasn't able to get up for work on Monday, so I called out for the day. I wound up just vegging out most of the day, watching Clerks on DVD to psyche me up to see Clerks 2 this weekend. I also swung by Fordham to lend my DVD of Eurotrip to Henry so he could see it before his trip to Greece (he had to know the possible dangers of going to a nude beach, lol).

It was funny though, b/c I actually ran into a co-worker AND my boss as I was walking out of Thebaud from giving the DVD to Henry. That was kind of awkward considering I had called out sick, but whatever, I have plenty of days to use. So I even waved and walked up and said hi, and everything was good. It was just kinda funny.

And now it's just back to the grind at work. Thankfully the weekend is almost here again. I'm hoping to see Clerks 2 at New Roc and maybe catch a few other movies (still need to see Cars, Pirates of the Caribbean and I also wanna see My Super Ex-Girlfriend), so we'll see how many of those I can get out of the way.


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