Wednesday, July 26, 2006

God Is Good All The Time!!

... And all the time God is good!

Great news! As soon as I walked into the office this morning, everyone else was already here. My boss, Mr. Martinez was all like "Good morning, actually it's a VERY good morning." and proceeded to tell me that he had just gotten off the phone with Dr. Palais (our main boss) who had spoken with some gov't officials and we found out that our program did well in the competition and will be funded for the upcoming cycle!

The official slate hasn't been released yet, but we apparently have inside sources in both congress and the Federal Dept of Ed and it's for sure. So we don't know if it's for four or five years yet, but at the very least we know we're not closing at the end of August and will be in operation for at LEAST this coming school year.

So I'm very thankful to God, as well as just happy and relieved. It would have been a hard to look for another full time job just as I am about to restart grad school in the fall. I was not looking forward to that prospect, but I prayed a lot that our program would be saved and I had faith, and God answered my prayers.

I'd also like to thank any of you who were supportive during this time and kept me and this situation in your prayers.

I'm just pretty excited at the moment, so I had to share the good news!


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