Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I Can't Believe It...

On Saturday, me & Ariana had gone out and when we came back to my place no one was home, but there was food left out to unfreeze. So we figured, maybe my mom and her husband had just stepped out for a few.

Well a few hours passed, and me and Ariana were watching TV when my mom's husband came in the house and called up to me "John-Eric, come down I need help!"

At first we were kind of freaked out, so we ran downstairs and outside, to where Pat and my mom were standing and then my mom was all like "we need your help bringing that in." She then pointed to the back of Pat's truck where there was a huge box. I was like "what on earth is that?"

But then as I got close I realized that it was a Sony flat screen 40 inch HDTV!!!!

My jaw dropped to the floor! My mom had been talking for YEARS about getting a big screen tv. I remember her telling me and Jenny while I was still back in college that one day she'd use her tax refund to buy one. We were psyched about it and anxiously awaited it, but gave up after about 2-3 years of nothing.

By this point, I figured I wouldn't have a flat screen tv in my house until I moved out and got my own. But my mom truly shocked us with this purchase (her being notoriously "thrifty" and all).

So yeah, we just set it up yesterday. And we tested it out by watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on DVD. The colors on it looked absolutely beautiful. The extra HD channels looked pretty nice too, especially Sportcenter and YES (the colors of the baseball fields and everything on them really stand out).

So I'm pretty excited. I can't wait to try out some video games on my playstation or something. That'll be sweet. There are certain movies I'd like to watch on it also (Star Wars, LotR, The Matrix, etc) spring to mind.

I'l probably still spend most of my TV watching time in my room, b/c of the DVR, but I might be tempted to get one for downstairs also, so we'll see.


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