Thursday, November 03, 2005

An amusing Halloween story

I'll prob do my post about Halloween weekend tomorrow but there was a quick story I just had to share.

This past Sunday, my grandmother found a bunch of the old halloween costume stuff my grandfather had saved from his old job (he used to work at a factory that made costumes as well as other stuff). In that box of stuff, they had some pretty cool (read: realistic) looking Yoda and Chewbacca masks.

So they gave it to me that day. Later on, we were all coming to my place to have dinner, cuz my mom was cooking pernil. Immediately, I knew it was the perfect chance to pull something amusing cuz it's quite rare that my whole family comes to my house. So when we got home, I ran upstairs, put on the Yoda mask and got this wooden stick thing I have from my old bureau and went downstairs. I got on my knees and waddled into the kitchen, where everyone was, and began talking in Yoda-speak, all like "Mmm, good food smell here, I do... Mmm..."

Then I started just grabbing things from the kitchen table and being a pain in the ass (a la Yoda from Empire Strikes Back). It was ultra geeky, yes, but freakin funny. My whole family was cracking up b/c I'm sure NO ONE (even my grandparents who had just given the mask to me) expected it.

So yeah, I just HAD to share that (despite the fact I'm sure many of you are now probably thinking "what a loser." lol). But screw you, it was funny.


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