Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Last night me and Ariana went to go see the new Latino Broadway comedy- Latinologues.

Well we got a bit of a surprise when we arrived at the theater. I noticed as we were walking up the block toward the theater that my dad was standing right in front of it. Now I haven't seen my dad in quite a long time (prob over year), so yeah, as I said- it was a bit of a surprise.

So as soon as we get to the theater I walk right up to him to say hi and all. He then asks if we are attending the show and we tell him we are. So then he goes "you didn't pay for your tix did you?" And I'm thinking "no, we were thinking of just walking right in." But then he tells us that he has been helping promote the show. He's a photographer on the side and apparently he helped design some of the promotional photos including the actual Broadway poster (the one you will see if you click on the website link above). So since he's helped out, they gave him a BOATLOAD of free tix. He had like 30 in his hands he was giving away. He also asked if we knew anyone that wanted to go, b/c he could prob get us all in for free (he has tix for multiple days, not just last night. This was like the fifth show he's been at to give tix away for).

So me and Ariana were kicking ourselves in the asses b/c it totally did not come to my mind that he might have something to do with this show, although it SHOULD have (b/c he's ALWAYS involved in stuff like this). But whatever, we got the tix buy 1, get 1 free, so it wasn't too bad. But still... if I had known I would have waited and tried to organize a big outting to the show cuz I know a bunch of my buddies (like most of you fine readers) would have liked to have gone. Oh well...

But anyways, as for the show itself. It was amusing. And we were pretty close to the front, so we had a good time. I won't discuss much about it here though in case any of you want to see it.

After the show we met up with my dad again. He then introduced us to the entire cast of the show (proving to me he really did know them, b/c I was skeptical at first cuz my dad is known to exaggerate a bit at times). And Ariana got all their autographs on the playbill.

My dad then offered us a ride home too, which kept us from having to take the train, so that was cool as well. So yeah, it was definitely an interesting night.


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