Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Well the MLB playoffs began last week. There was both good and bad (for me at least). The Yanks got dealt a bad card by having to face the Angels in the first round. They were the ONE team I was scared of. I think the Yanks could have beaten ANY other team but them, which is why I was rooting hardcore for the Indians to take the Wild Card, but it was not to be.

So the playoffs started ok for my teams. The Yankees won the first game, so did the Astros and White Sox, so I was happy with all those outcomes. But as the week went on things got scary (well for some teams).

As I mentioned in the last post, me & Ariana actually had tix to the ALDS Game 3 on Friday night at the stadium. It was Ariana's first postseason game, and it sort of was for me b/c all my previous playoff games came when I was "working" so I couldn't enjoy the games as a full fan. So we were really looking forward to it.

The game was definitely an experience. First we were treated to watching the end of the other ALDS game on the big screen as the White Sox swept the Red Sox. So that was cool. Plus our seats were decent. We were in the nosebleeds right behind homeplate, but that was cool b/c we were high up enough to be covered from the constant rain/drizzle that went on all night.

But I think the night can be summed up best by what the guy behind us said: "This game went from shitty, to freakin great, to shitty again."

And just in case you're not aware, that was the game that Randy Johnson gave up 5 runs in like 3 innings, then the Yanks came back to lead 6-5 but then lost the game 11-7. So yeah, the ending sucked, but the experience of the game itself was a whole lot of fun. We had really good neighbors in the seats, who we chatted with all night. Plus, Yankee Stadium in October is just a totally different place than in the regular season. It's hard to describe but the energy in there is a lot stronger and just makes for a totally unique experience. So yeah, it was cool.


Then on Sunday, I started to watch the Astros-Braves game. which started at 1pm. I watched until about 3pm before I had to leave to go to my grandparents for dinner and when I did the Braves were winning the game 5-0.

So I leave, and then later on, me and Ariana come back to my place just before 7pm. I turn on the TV and I'm flipping through the channels when I get to ESPN and I see Roger Clemens striking out a guy. My immediate thought was "oh, this has got to be old footage b/c Clemens wasn't in the game today." But then just as the screen was fading to black I catch in the upper left corner "18th Inning." I was just like "HOLY CRAP!!!"

The game then ended in the bottom of the 18th with a Walk-off homerun by the Astros, to eliminate the hated (by me anyways) Atlanta Braves. So that had me pretty happy. The NLDS should be a really good series.

Then later that night we went to Phil's house for the WWE No Mercy PPV but we kept flipping back and forth and mostly watching the Yankees-Angels game, which the Yanks won 3-2. So that was also really freakin cool.

But the party came to an end the next night when the Angels defeated the Yankees in the final game 5 of the ALDS. Sad to say I wasn't too surprised. The Angels are the ONLY team in the Torre-era to have a winning record against the Yankees. They play them hard, and too many bats on the Yankee team were quiet (as well as our pitching being lackluster for the most part) so they went down.

So yeah, it sucks but what can you do? I'm still a BASEBALL fan, so I'll continue to watch the playoffs and now I'm rooting for the White Sox and the Astros to make it to the World Series. So we'll see what happens.

I just hope the Yanks make some smart moves during the postseason and come back a stronger unit.


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