Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Happy, yet just a bit meloncholic

Some good stuff happened this weekend that I am very happy about. First off we had the Yankees vs Red Sox series (which I watched all the games of) and on Saturday the Yanks clinched the AL East, which was really freakin cool. But sadly the next day the Red Sox clinched the Wild Card b/c the Indians choked big time losing 6 out of 7 games this final week of the season.

So now the Yanks have to face the Angels in the ALDS, which is probably the worst possible outcome for the Yanks (especially since the Yanks lost on Sunday and the Angels won so the Angels now also have homefield advantage). But regardless, the Angels play the Yankees really hard and have won the regular season series the past two years, not to mention they eliminated the Yanks from the playoffs in 2002. Now granted it's a new year and a few different players, but that loss is still in the fan's minds.

But I won't let that bother me. The Yanks are in the playoffs and I'm going to Game 3 on Friday at the Stadium and they have Randy Johnson pitching that night, so it should be fun (as long as we win, lol).

But while I'm loving the whole aspect of the postseason, it's kind of sad b/c that just means baseball will be gone by the end of the month, not to return until April, which means I'll be stuck with tons of babble about football (and other random sports I don't really watch) when I watch ESPN and Cold Pizza in the mornings. And nothing against football itself, but I'm just not a huge fan. I'll watch parts of some playoff games, and I'll watch (and be into) the Superbowl, but I don't wanna hear about it constantly... especially when 70% of the babble is about freakin T.O (god, can't they get over this guy? What about the rest of the league??)

Also, the Marlins didn't make it to the playoffs, so I'll miss hearing about and watching them. But at least they finished above .500 for the second year in a row. That's all I could have really asked for by the end. Hopefully they will step things up next year though, b/c they have a solid team who should have won more games than they did.

So yeah, I'm right now I'm cheering hard for my Yankees cuz that will keep me even more into the postseason, and I gotta milk all the baseball watching I can from this last month before it goes away. I have faith they can put 2002 behind them and play the Angels hard and win. Let's go Yanks!


Another thing this weekend that was cool was I went to go see Serenity with Ariana, Alan and Henry on Saturday. The movie lived up to the hype and was really freakin good. Oh, and I was the only one out of the four of us to go who had seen the show, Firefly, before and we all enjoyed the movie. So to anyone worrying whether they will be lost if they haven't seen the show- trust me, it's not necessary. It's cool regardless.

I would discuss the movie here (cuz there are a few things I would love to talk about), but it was just opening weekend and I don't wanna ruin anything for anyone who may still wanna see it. So if anything, you can just IM or e-mail me and we can babble about it if you'd like.

But yeah, as the title of the post says, I was psyched to see the movie, yet a little meloncholic afterwards b/c I can't think of any big movies that are coming out to be psyched for (much like how I was talking about with baseball before- cuz even if the Yanks were to win the World Series, I'd be happy for a time but still sad b/c it would mean the end of baseball for awhile, no matter what the outcome).

It was kind of how I felt after watching the last Star Wars movie- I was looking forward to it so much I couldn't wait for it to arrive, then it did and I loved it, but then afterwards it was like "well, now what?" B/c it's pretty much over.

But hey, I guess tons of things in life are like that (Hell, almost anything good in life is like that now that I think about it, lol). So I'm just gonna kick back and enjoy the ride.

So once again before I'm out- LET'S GO YANKEES!!


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