Thursday, September 22, 2005

Been a pretty good week

Last week (Thurs to be exact) I went with Ariana to see Dane Cook at the Theater at Madison Square Garden. I got downtown pretty early though, so to kill time I wandered around Times Square. I hit the Toys R Us to look around at all the cool toys that I would want but most likely won't get (as I've pretty much stopped collecting due to money and space issues).

So of course I ran across three things that I was VERY tempted to buy- and all of them were Transformers (what can I say, I'm a sucker for kick ass looking robots). They have these new huge transformers and I saw the new Starscream and Megatron and both looked freakin awesome. Sadly, they were also quite expensive, so that killed my immediate temptation (which is good b/c like I said these things were huge and I already have no room for anything).

However, the third transformer was regular sized and it was something I bet a ton of guys out there would love. It was the character of Grimlock (who used to be the leader of the Dinobots, he was the T-Rex), but they've updated him and now instead of a T-Rex, he's a SWEET looking Ford Mustang GT. It's in car mode in the box, and it looks great. You almost couldn't tell it was a Transformer. It could have easily been mistaken for a model. That one was only $20, so the temptation was definitely there, but in the end I decided not to get it (at least not right then) b/c I didn't want to be carrying anything around for the rest of the night. I've since mentioned
my find to a few people though and they all really wanna get one too now. So I just found that kinda funny, we are all such big kids at heart, lol.

-But yeah, as for the comedy show itself, it was hysterical as expected. My only complaint (and it's not Cook's fault at all) is that I regret buying and listening to his album before seeing him live, b/c he did a lot of material from it. And we all know a joke is always funnier the first time
you hear it. But like I said it was still funny, I only wish I had done things in the opposite order.

-On Saturday night, me and Ariana went to Joe & Patty's place for a Poker night. There was a pretty good group. I don't remember everyone's names (b/c most people I just met that night), but there were nine of us altogether and we all had a good time.

I didn't do as well as last time, but I was a part of probably the most memorable moment of the night when during the first hand of the second round, I went all in against 3 other people who ALSO went all in, with what I felt was a very solid hand (three 6's and 2 Kings). And I would have won the hand too and taken the biggest pot of the night if not for the damn River card, which wound up giving the victory to Henry's friend, Perry and essentially eliminated three people from the game. So yeah, it was definitely a "TV-worthy" hand.

Ariana picked up my slack though and did well for herself. She wound up splitting the overall pot three ways at the end (b/c the game lasted for quite sometime and we decided to just call it a night). So that was cool.

-The next night was the Unforgiven PPV at Phil's place, where we all scored our Fantasy guys. But I already went over that in my last post so I won't repeat myself here. It was very cool though.


-Went back to the High schools this week, and thankfully there was no big turnover like last year. So I'll be working with pretty much the same people, which is good.


-In concert news- Jordan scored four tix for us to go see Disturbed at the Nokia Theater Times Square, which I was just told used to be the old WWE Restaurant/venue- the World, so that is pretty freakin sweet.

-And finally, another bit of freakin sweet news- we went to the final game of our Yankee season tix last night. And not only did we win the game (which brought us to 4-4 on the season for games we went to), but Boston lost, which put the Yanks back on top of the AL East by themselves for like the first time since freakin April.

-Now we normally give Christina's friend, Daniel, a pretty hard time at the Yankee games b/c we would blame each loss on him, since last year we only lost 1 game we attended out of all the ones we went to. And the only difference from this year to last year? Daniel.

So yeah, we busted his chops pretty bad all season-threatening to make him give up his season tix (or steal them from him) b/c he was bad luck. But with this last victory, I think we can let him off the hook b/c taking back the AL East is about as good of an ending for our passes as we could have hoped.


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