Friday, September 09, 2005


I believe I mentioned at some point that I've been watching the reruns of Joss Whedon's Firefly on the Sci-Fi network to prepare myself for going to see Serenity when it comes out Sept. 30th.

I had missed the initial run of the show, b/c they put it in the TV graveyard that is Friday nights. And as much as I love Whedon's stuff, I did have a life.

And now, they are still showing the reruns on Friday's but at least now I've got a DVR so I can record it and watch it whenever I want. And I must say, I've been liking what I've seen so far. The show is definitely heavy on the sci-fi elements, but also has a big western feel. It's an interesting mix to say the least. But one thing that makes it stand out is of course the action and humor- things Whedon knows how to provide in spades.

So yeah, last night I'm watching last week's episode and it had one of most hysterical quotes I've heard in a Whedon show. I just had to write it down once I heard it b/c I was laughing so hard.

Basically the set up is the Hero, (Mal is his name) helps out this colony and as payment they basically give him a wife, named Saffron (but he didn't realize that he had gotten married b/c it was a weird ceremony).  So he doesn't wanna be married (even though she is pretty and all) b/c he is the loner type.

But she keeps wanting to please him, and it makes him uncomfortable (especially around the rest of the crew).  She wants to cook him dinner, wash his feet, etc and he's getting weirded out.  He wants to get a divorce immediately, so he asks the preacher (they have a preacher on the ship) and he says he'll work things out but he better not take sexual advantage of her, otherwise he'll go to a special place in Hell

So as Mal is getting ready for bed that first night, the girl surprises him by being naked in his bed, and he's like "woah!"  So as she continues to make sexual advances to him, he stutters out "i can't do this.  It's morally wrong..."

So the girl responds with this, and the delivery and the reaction was just pure comic gold:

Saffron: "I do know my bible...on the night of their betrothal the wife shall open to the man as the frough to the plow and he shall work in her, in and again til she bring him to his fall and rest him then upon the sweat of her breast."
Mal: "Woah.... good bible."

Now that's freakin funny dialogue. So yeah, stuff like that, along with the very cool previews for Serenity have me pretty psyched for the movie. Let's hope it lives up to the hype.


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