Friday, August 26, 2005

Depressing notes...

Sadly between late last night and today, my family has had two sad occurances.

Last night, towards the end of the BBQ going-away party for Jenny, we were informed that my aunt had been taken to the hospital earlier in the day due to severe stomach pains. We were able to call and get in contact with her husband and he sadly informed us that she lost the baby.

While, this was pretty saddening, there was some more important info given to us. Now I'm not sure on the EXACT details b/c I heard things third-hand from my mom who had things explained to her from my aunt's husband (who doesn't speak great English and may not have understood everything that was going on), but basically one of two scenarios occured. While at the hospital the doctors discovered a possibly cancerous growth (we'll prob find out for sure on that later) in my aunt's uterus that they really didn't like and had to remove. So the story is either, they saw this as they were checking out the baby and determined they had to get rid of everything inside there to be on the safe side, including the baby, or that after she lost the baby and when they were checking inside, they found the growth and removed that also. We're all thinking it was the latter.

So yeah, the situation is sad, but we're trying to look on the positive side of things. We believe that all things happen for a reason. And if the story is how we understand it, then in essence that baby saved my aunt's life. B/c there is no way that growth would have been discovered otherwise.

-The second occurance, while not as sad (in at least that no one has died or anything), was that my sister left this morning to basically begin her new life in Pittsburgh with her fiancee. They move into their new place on Sept. 1st. They MIGHT come back around Labor Day weekend to bring all of Jenny's stuff over, but that's only if they can somehow rent a car or U-Haul. If anything there is a possibility that my mom and Pat will just put Jenny's things in Pat's truck (since she basically already packed everything) and bring it out to her. And if the latter is the case, that means we prob won't see her again until Christmas.

So yeah, I'm kinda sad over that b/c me and my sis are pretty close. I mean, I always knew since I was young that she would be the first to leave the house, but I guess I didn't expect her to move so far away. Even when she had moved out years ago to live with her previous bf in Queens, she still came by the house at least once or twice a week, so we still got to see each other and stuff. But her new place is about a 6-7 hour drive or hour and a half plane ride away. So yeah, I doubt we're gonna see each other many times a year, besides holidays. So it's sad. I will miss her a lot b/c we got along really well. But in the end I just have to accept that we're all just growing up and starting a new phase in our lives. Still rough though... oh least I know she should be very happy out there b/c her fiancee is a nice guy who treats her right, and in the end that's about all you can hope for with your family.


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