Friday, August 26, 2005

New addition to the family

On Monday night, my mom and Pat came home with a surprise. They found a baby Peach-faced Lovebird outside my mom's school- Mercy College. They caught him put him in a box (with holes in it of course) and brought him home. My mom decided to call him (her?) "Mercy" b/c of the situation it was found in. The bird is really cute, and since it's a baby, we might be able to train it pretty well. We are giving him/her to my grandparents, cuz they will be able to devote more time to it. But here are two pics of the bird so you can see what it looks like.

And this is a pic of us introducing Mercy to Birdie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, it's so cute
yea hi you don't know me or anything i'm just bored to tears. no need to worry, i promise i'm not stalking you

9:04 PM  

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