Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I can't beat Henry's Title for his similar post.

Well we had ourselves a pretty fun (albeit exhausting) weekend. On Saturday I went to Randall's Island for the Amsterjam festival with Ariana, Matt, Henry, Christina, Daniel, Shirley and her bf (whose name also escapes me).

The show was freakin awesome. It is rare for me to go to show with such a large and diverse lineup and for me to actually enjoy every act, but that's just what happened at this show. The lineup of the show (on the Main stage, at least- we didn't even go to the second stage) looked like this:

Fat Joe
Hector El Bambino
Wyclef Jean
Snoop Dogg
Red Hot Chili Peppers

Some of those acts also "mashed up" with other acts. Like Wyclef came out to jam with 311 and Snoop Dogg came out with the Chili Peppers towards the end of their set. Garbage also had a mash-up, but not with one of the main performers. They brought out this "chick" named Peaches who was a total mess. She was disturbing to look at. She was all whore'd out but she also looked a bit manish. None of the people knew what to think of Peaches, although a popular opinion was that the choker thing "she" had around her neck was just there to cover an Adam's apple. I truly would NOT be surprised.

But yeah Peaches' mash-up with Garbage was a complete waste. Garbage should have just finished the set on their own, b/c bringing that thing out brought their set down a bit. All Peaches added to their songs was lots and lots of vulgarity- something not really needed in Garbage's music. Oh well.

Speaking of vulgar acts though- during the beginning of one of the act's sets (I think it was 311) a fight nearly broke out right next to us. It all started b/c some drunk dude next to us just decided to rock out with his cock out (holy crap, I got to actually use that in a legitamate sentence! Go me! Lol), and started taking a piss right where he was standing- IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CROWD! People who noticed immediately jumped back away from him (including us), but a couple right near him got really pissed (heh) and the guy shoved him pretty hard which caused the pissing dude to lose control of his unit (and apparently it's a little known fact that most guys, unlike girls, cannot stop once they start), so that got even more people in the area angry at this dude. He tried to apologize but the girl from the couple was even more upset than the dude, and she was a fairly rough looking chick who prob could have kicked the drunken guy's ass, so he thought twice and just decided to move away. So yeah, that was pretty freakin disgusting.

But other than that, the show went without incident and was a lot of fun. Wyclef had a great set, similar to the one he gave at Fordham a few years back (just a lot shorter though obviously). He did go a little longer than I believe he was supposed to though, but no one cared (hell the crowd actually encouraged it). After Wyclef was 311, and they also put on a great set. They played pretty much all my fave songs (Down, All Mixed Up, Come Original, Freeze Time, Amber, etc) so I was quite happy. Then as I mentioned before they had a mash-up with Wyclef at the end of their set and they performed some old school reggae song, which was pretty cool.

Snoop Dogg was the next act and to many in the crowd I'm sure he was the main event, cuz EVERYONE in the crowd was really into his set. Now, I'm not too familiar with his stuff (other than the very popular stuff that was all over the radio in the 90's and was played constantly at places like Slumni), but he put on a really fun set. Sean "Puff-Daddy-Puffy-P.Diddy-Diddy-etc" Combs also made a cameo appearance during Snoop's set but all he did was show up on stage and take a few long hits from the gigantic blunt Snoop had rolled earlier.

After Snoop's set the crowd got pretty restless (seeing as how the concert was passing the nine hour mark), and the crew was taking kind of a long time to set up their stuff, so before their set began, the crowd was given a mini-acrobat show on stage (like something out of Cirque de Soleis). I mention this not b/c it was cool (although it was impressive), but more for the fact that the male acrobat had an obvious hard-on for the majority of the act. The act was basically the dude hanging upside down by his feet and he did a bunch of tricks with the female acrobat, where she hung from him in all kinds of funky positions. But in between positions there was a lot of rubbing between them and stuff so yeah, it seems the guy enjoyed it a little too much. What got us wondering though was how he was able to get so much blood to flow to THAT head, considering he was hanging upside down the entire time?

And finally after that, the Chili Peppers came on to perform. They suffered from some sound problems during the first song but then fixed it (although, the problems did reoccur throughout the set later on). But despite the problems, they put on a great show. However, it was obvious that the Peppers (or Flea at least) were doing more with Snoop than just planning a mash-up with him though, as it was clearly obvious Flea was on some kind of high. He kept rambling something about how they were waiting for a great man- Moses, and continued to babble something about it, at which point I turned to Henry and Ariana and quipped "Yeah, it looks like he's been praying to the burning bush alright."

Another funny highlight from Flea's rambling was he asked the audience "Who want's to have their dick sucked!?!" The dude's in the crowd of course roared in approval but then Flea flipped the tables on us by replying "There's no way I can suck all that dick. Maybe 5 or 10, but no more!" Which got a pretty good laugh out of the crowd.

So yeah, as I had said, they put on a pretty good set but by this point everyone was just SOOO tired from the long day we all just had, so they weren't as energized for the Peppers as they were for the previous acts. People in our group began to drop out little by little. Shirley and her bf actually left right BEFORE the Peppers set, Christina and Daniel stuck it out a good while longer to their credit but left about 45 mins into the Peppers set. And finally, Henry was the last to fall, as Snoop and the Peppers were doing their mash up jam (which while cool, did go on for a pretty damn long time, so I couldn't blame anyone for leaving at that point).

Me, Ariana and Matt stuck it out til the end, but we were pretty exhausted. The show ended just before 11pm, which clocks the full show time at around 10 and a half hours. Pretty freakin good for just $50. So yeah, it was a hell of a show, and really well organized (I neglected to mention earlier all the festival type stuff in the area plus the good selection of food and stuff). So yeah a good time was had by all. Here's hoping they do it again next year (My ideas for some acts they should try to get include Incubus and Jay-Z. Now tell me that wouldn't be cool? We will have to see.).


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