Thursday, August 18, 2005

Two bundles of joy! ;-)

My mom just called me a little while ago to tell me that my aunt is gonna have another baby! So i'm gonna have a new cousin! Whoo! (This is a big deal b/c she's pretty much the only aunt I keep in contact with, so until Jenny & Robbie or Me and Ariana get married she's the only chance of having new babies in the family).

Although, that's not to say we expected this pregnancy. My aunt is in her mid-40's and she only has one child (my cousin Mitchie, who I used to ramble on about constantly, especially when he was a baby), who just turned 9 in May. She had a Hell of a time just having him. And she had tried to have another shortly after but was unable to, so they kind of gave up hope. Well 10 years later, without even trying, it happened. So we're all pretty excited.

I'm also looking forward to teasing my aunt on how she will be 65 when her child turns 21. Hehehe. "I am Evil J-E! I am Evil J-E!" ::Sung to the "I am evil Homer" tune::


And even though this is very secondary to the first news, my grandmother called to tell me that I also FINALLY got the unedited ECW: One Night Stand video in the mail! Whoo! I'm a pretty happy guy today.


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