Monday, August 01, 2005

And the not so great news...

Nothing bad, per se, just a few annoyances. First off, I went to get my new Fordham parking pass today during lunch. As most of you probably know, they are in the process of constructing a multi-level parking garage over the old student lot, thus leaving a huge decrease in available parking. So I was inline and I saw almost everyone ahead of me getting passes to have to park in the municipal lot across the street from the library (something I really didn't want, even if it was half the price). But once I got up, they did some searching and found that I was to be given an "F-Lot" pass. I was like "F-Lot? I know of A-Lot, H-Lot and M-Lot, but what the hell is F-Lot?"

Well apparently F-Lot stands for "Find your own damn parking-lot" b/c basically the lady handed me a map of the campus and she was like "the X's marked on the map are all considered part of F-lot." Thing is, the X's were all over the freakin place! It's basically like 6 parking spots here, 8 spots there, 4 spots there, etc. It looks like it could possibly be pretty annoying, especially on busy days. Thank God I am only on campus on Friday's during the school year b/c otherwise this would drive me nuts.

The second annoyance was that about 2 weeks ago, I won the ECW PPV on tape on Ebay. The guy e-mailed me saying he sent it out, yet I never received it. So I e-mailed the guy telling him I hadn't gotten it yet and he gave me tracking number for the package. So I went to the USPS website and when I tracked it, it stated that they tried to deliver the package on July 20th and a notice was left.

Thing is, my grandparents were home, and no one ever knocked for them to sign for a package and also, despite what the site said, a notice was NOT left.

But it said the package was at the post office, so my grandfather went today to go pick it up. Well in the afternoon my grandmother calls me to tell me that the people in the post office told my grandfather that there was no such tracking number. This pissed me off, cuz I KNEW it was right, so while I was on the phone with my grandmother I went to the USPS website again and put the tracking number in.

And I was greeted with a surprise- apparently the package was marked "unclaimed" and sent back to the sender. This got me even more pissed, so after I hung up with my grandmother I called USPS to file a complaint. I explained what happened and they tried to give me a run around about how I should have come earlier, but I yelled at them saying "how could I have come earlier if I never got a damn notice?!?" So in the end they apologized but it doesn't do much for me.

Luckily, the ebay guy seems nice and when I told him the situation, he said it wasn't a problem and he'd send it right back once he receives it. It was still just a hassle to go through though.

And finally- it seems as though my DVR does not like "Robot Chicken." Last night, for the 3rd time in a row, I had set the DVR to record the show, and for some reason, it just didn't do it. It's really weird b/c it works for everything else. Hopefully this will be the last time, otherwise I'm gonna have to get my DVR checked out. Oh well...


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