Monday, July 18, 2005

Shows you should watch (at least once)

Thanks to the wonders of the DVR, I have been able to sample TV shows I probably wouldn't have had the chance to try and catch regularly. Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised, and sometimes the shows suck balls. But hey, at least I'm being entertained, heh.

There are 3 shows I wanted to briefly mention here though, b/c they stand out for various reasons.

First off- Wonder Showzen. I don't know how many of you have ever heard of this show. I hadn't heard of it myself until about 2 months ago, when in the final issue of the Ram (which I would pick up every Friday at my job) had an article on it, in which the writer praised the show for it's originality as well as its hilarity. He made it sound so good, that I just had to watch it.

So about a month or so ago, I DVR'd two episodes of the show and watched them. And well... it was interesting to say the least.

Wonder Showzen is a show on MTV2 and it's basically Sesame Street for adults- or better yet, adults in a drug or alcohol induced state (I would think). But yeah, the show plays out exactly how an episode of Sesame Street would, lots of puppets and kids, only thing is the puppets are pretty naughty (and hell, some of those kids ain't saints themselves).

Here's an example of how episode would go. There is one major plotline through the episode that they keep referring back to, but there are also tons of smaller segments. Like they have one puppet go out onto the street and ask people questions and basically annoy the hell out of them. Then they have kind of a Daily Show-esque segment where Kids do "in-depth" interviews on the scene but the kids are insane (oh also the name of the segment? "Beat Kids"- Kids on the Beat).

As for specific examples of some plotlines the show has had. There was one where Mother Nature went through a sex change, screwing up the environment, and the kids and puppets had to find out what was going on. Then there was another that was sort of a twisted version of Romeo & Juliet, where a Number fell in love with a Letter, but they were both male characters... oh and did I mention there was a sex scene between them also?

The show is pretty sick and deranged, but also absolutely freakin hysterical at times. It's just that to get to those funny ass moments, you sometimes have to sit through some disturbing stuff. So it's definitely not a show for everyone, but you should at least check out an episode or two to see what you think. I myself havent watched more than 3 episodes total, but someone else may enjoy it a lot more than I did.


-Another show I caught is actually in a similar vein as Wonder Showzen, just minus the disturbing stuff. It's the Andy Milonakis Show (also on MTV2).

Basically it's kind of a sketch show starring this fat 15 year old (he's between 14-16 I'm sure). He's just insane. I say it's like Wonder Showzen, only b/c of the random segments it has, but as I also said, at least this show isn't disturbing in anyway. At the worst, it's just stupid.

And that's the thing, this show is STUPID, but in a fun way. I watched the first two episodes of the show. The first one was downright freakin hilarious, but I'll warn that you have to have a certain sense of humor to appreciate it. I like things that are "dumb-funny," while some people can't stand that kind of humor.

However, if you like "dumb-funny" this is a show you should definitely catch, at least once. Then form your opinions from there. My advice though, try to catch the first one (I believe there are only 4 in total at this point). The segment about Spoons had me on the floor.


-Finally, the last show I have to recomend is one I think would have the most broad appeal. On Cablevision, we have access to a station (I believe it's channel 21), that on Friday Nights, airs shows from the BBC. One such show is- Coupling.

Many of you may have heard of the show, mostly b/c NBC tried to copy the show to replace Friends last season. Only thing, the remake did just not have the spark of the original BBC series and it was cancelled soon after.

When I had originally heard of the show a few years ago, it sounded interesting but I didn't even know I had that station that aired the BBC stuff, so I was never able to try to watch it. But now that I have discovered this station, I've been DVRing the episodes for about the past 4-5 weeks. Me and Ariana have been watching them, and they have been pretty freakin good.

It does have the feel of Friends, it's just a little racier (b/c you can get away with more things over on British TV than you can here). Like the friends all hang in a bar, rather than a coffeehouse. Plus there is some cursing allowed here and there, along with some themes I doubt NBC would want shown from 8-9pm, let alone in a Sitcom. But the show is truly funny, and if you are a fan of Friends, or just witty writers and fun characters I would definitely recomend this show (especially above the two previous shows I mentioned).

So if any of you happen to catch any of these new shows, drop me a line and let me know what you thought.


Staying on the topic of Television, I figure I'd mention some of my new favorite commercials. I've got two favorites at the moment-

1) The one for the Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, where a girl is on a date with a guy, who is telling her about himself, and he sounds like a great guy but then the waiter brings her over the soda and she goes into a trance and instead of hearing what he says she just hears a song that goes like "Ma Nah Meh Na! Doo Doo Da Doo Doo." (It's an old silly song, I can't remember the name of it. But it's just really catchy and me, Ariana and my sister will constantly just hum it at the most random of times).

2) The one for the new Starburst candies. It's got a kid who's talking to a friend and pops a Starburst in his mouth and says "It's like a Fiesta in my mouth." Then it cuts to a view of inside the kid's mouth where there is a Mexican Mariachi band playing instruments and dancing around, when all of a sudden a gush of flavor from the candy washes in, and the teeth begin to close and they all dive for cover, and the smallest Mexican dancing guy gets washed down the kid's throat while the leader of the band falls on his knees, arms raised in the air crying "ENRIQUE!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The first time I saw that commercial I laughed so hard, I nearly fell off my bed. It is just too damn funny- my explanation can't come close to doing it justice, you just have to see it. It is without a doubt my favorite new commercial.


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