Wednesday, July 13, 2005

1 Year!

Hey, I just realized that last week was my blog's one year anniversary (or birthday, don't know how I should refer to it as)!

I'm pretty proud of that accomplishment actually, b/c when i initially started this, I wasn't planning on making it a regular thing. But writing in this blog just turned out to be so much fun, I'm glad that I kept up with it. And I've noticed a healthy amount of hits on the site, so apparently you guys are enjoying it too. So thanks for that!


But yeah, onto business. I haven't given much detail about what I've done in the past few weeks (except for the last post about the Arbitration), and I'm not gonna bore everyone with every detail, but I guess I should mention a handful of things that have happened.

First off, I've gotten tix to a few concerts and shows recently. In August I'll be going to Asmterjam- which is a show at Randall's Island featuring the Red Hot Chili Peppers, 311, Garbage, Snoop Dogg, Fat Joe & Mos Def. It's a pretty interesting lineup, and the cooler part, is that in addition to full regular sets by all these acts, they will also be teaming up to do a few "mash-up" songs. So that should be pretty cool.

Also in August, I scored tix to see System of a Down @ the Continental Airlines Arena. I would have preferred a smaller place like Hammerstein, but they are getting bigger now, so I guess I can't complain. It should still be a kick ass show.

And last but not least I also got tix for me and Ariana to go see Dane Cook at the Theater at MSG. I wasn't able to get tix originally b/c the show had sold out, but then Dane sent out an e-mail to members of his mailing list (which i am a part of) and he announced a second show. I would have let people know about that show and tried to get a group, but I got the e-mail after the show had already gone on sale, and it would have been too crazy to try to round up people so fast, so I was forced to get tix right away. I dunno if tix are still available but if there are, we are going to the show on Thurs. Sept 15th if you wanna try and join us.


I wound up trying to pick up that ECW DVD along with the new Billy Corgan CD I ordered from Bestbuy the other week. Now normally I absolutely LOVE Bestbuy and I am one of its greatest costumers, but they were really off that day.

First, it took them forever to start to help me. Granted there was a long line at returns but no one there turned around to look at me over at the pick up station. But then a few workers would pass by and be all like "Are you being helped?" I'd say "no, not yet." And they'd respond "oh, someone will get to you shortly" and then run away, and I would continue just waiting there. This happened about three times. Now for most people, they would get pissed off and start a ruckus, but I'm a calm person and I wasn't in a particular rush. However, after about 15 minutes of me just standing there trying to wave people over to help me, even i was getting annoyed.

Eventually a guy came over to help me and I gave him the two order numbers. He disappeared into the back and after a few minutes he came back with the Corgan CD but no ECW DVD.

Now luckily, I'm a pretty informed consumer, and I had read on some wrestling websites earlier in the day, that even though the DVD was released on 6/28 (and even said so on the Bestbuy website), the Bestbuy in-store computer systems had the release date as 7/12. So what was happening was that the stores were receiving the DVD but weren't gonna put it on the shelves until 7/12. But for people who ordered it online for pickup, they had to explain to the employees what happened and for the most part there was no problem as the workers would go to the back and get the DVD for them.

So I explained all this to the guy who was helping me, and he was like "oh ok, I'll go to the back to check." So the guy leaves, and he disappears for like 20 freakin minutes! At this point I was getting pretty damn restless as I had been in the store for like 45 minutes already. The guy FINALLY comes back, but empty handed. He tells me he didn't find anything but one of his managers is back there still looking. After a few more minutes, the manager comes out, also empty handed. I explain to him the whole situation about the DVD's online, and also let the man know I've been waiting around for over 45 minutes and that if I got a confirmation e-mail that the item was in the store, it SHOULD be there.

He explained to me, that if the DVD was there, he would definitely give it to me, but it seems as if they never received the item at all. So to make it up to me, they called and had them switch the order from pick-up to be shipped to my house with free shipping and he also said I could go pick out any DVD I wanted and he would give me $10 off for all my troubles. So I went and hunted around a little and finally picked up Leon: The Professional- the Special Edition.

But yeah, all in all my total time in the store? About an hour and 15 minutes. So this once again does not give me much confidence in ordering for pick-up from Bestbuy, but oh well, at least I got a little something out of it.


And in better news, I actually went on ebay and was able to find the UNCUT original broadcast of the ECW PPV for only $8. So I'm ordering it and Henry is gonna transfer it to DVD along with a copy of Heatwave '98 so that will be pretty sweet.

And speaking of ebay, I've caught the bug again from it- not as bad as in the past, but I've been going nuts search around for stuff. In my searches I have gotten about 3 morre issues of the G.I. Joe comic that I'm looking for, and am currently the high bidder on 3 more (which will leave me with less than 5 issues I'll need to get to complete my entire collection. So I'm very excited about that.


I've also been to two baseball games over the past few weeks. I went to the Yankees-Devil Rays game on June 23rd (but sadly they lost that game 9-4). And then me and Ariana went to Fireworks night at Shea Stadium which was also the Mets vs Marlins, so that was cool. The Mets won the game 7-6 but it was a really good, close game. And the fireworks were pretty cool too, so that made it a nice night.


Been to the movies a handful of times too. Me & Ariana went to see The Longest Yard 2 weeks ago. It was actually pretty funny. There were a few pro-wrestlers in the movie in minor roles like Steve Austin, Goldberd and Kevin Nash. Nash actually stole a few of the scenes he was in, which was kind of surprising but in a welcome way. So yeah, it was a fun summer comedy.

The other fun summer movie we saw was last weekend we went to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith with a few buddies of mine. The plot was nearly non-existant but it was just the epitome of brainless summer action movie fun.


And last but not least, me and Ariana met up with my co-worker's wife, who is a financial consultant, last week to discuss our financial future. Basically she took down all our info, like how much we make, what our retirement plans look like, the amount of money we save, etc and will help us budget our money as well as find us places to SAFELY invest our money that will yield lots more interest than just throwing it into the bank for a lowsy 1.3% (or whatever the extremely low rate actually is).

She's helped out other people in the office as well as they use the planning themselves and things seem to be going well for everyone, so it can do nothing buy help. Hopefully with this info and stuff I will be able to save better for a house and to pay up my student loans. So if anyone of you guys are interested in how to save and plan for your future financially, let me know and I can refer you over to her. We're gonna meet with her a few times over the next few weeks and stuff so I'll let u know how well everything works, especially if u are interested.


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