Monday, June 20, 2005

Or Maybe not...

Remember when I mentioned a few posts ago, that now with a lot of shows and stuff ending I could have my life back and actually get to play a lot of the video games I've been meaning to?

Well things haven't exactly worked out as planned. First off, even though a lot of shows ended, I have gotten caught up in a few new shows- like some anime on Cartoon Network such as Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Alchemist, and now they just started airing the uncut, unedited episodes of DragonBall Z from the beginning. Not to mention that ABC has started to re-air Lost from the 1st episode. I had missed the entire season but I heard so many good things about it I started to record it.

So add that also to the fact that I've been pretty busy the last few weekends and thus haven't been able to catch up, I've got like almost 40 shows I need to go through on my DVR... so yeah it might be a few weeks before I can get down to some serious gaming. Oh well...


Picked up the new Foo Fighters CD on Tuesday. It's a double CD and only cost $9.99 at Bestbuy, so that was pretty cool. The first CD is the hard rock stuff while the second is all acoustic. I've gone through both a handful of times and I like them. It's not as good as Colour & The Shape or One by One, but it's good. And for that price you can't go wrong. So if you're a fan of the Foo, you should pick it up.


Went to the Yankees vs Pirates game on Wed. It was the one where the Yanks came back to win 7-5 in extra innings. It was a really cool game to have gone to b/c the whole crowd was really into it. It also put the Yankees back to .500 (and since then they have gone on a 6 game winning streak, yay!) So I'm happy about that.

Another cool thing about the game, was that I got there early, so I went around the stadium looking for all my old co-workers. I ran into a few of them, and they were all happy to see me. Some of them even offered me free food and drinks and stuff, which was cool. It was also nice to see how appreciated I was b/c almost all of them said the same things about me all like "Oh, how come u didn't come back?? We miss you, the new guys they hired aren't as nice as u were. They can't count for crap either. Are u gonna come back? etc:" So that made me feel pretty good. I doubt I'd go back b/c it's a lot to deal with but it's nice to be missed.


Thursday Night I went with Ariana, Henry, Maryellen, Athena and her sister to go see Batman Begins at New Roc.

When I had first heard about the new Batman movie a long time ago, I wasn't really very psyched for it. Don't get me wrong, i was happy they picked Christian Bale to be Batman, and I was definitely planning to see it but other than that it was just kinda "ehh."

But then this past week I kept hearing all these excellent reviews on the movie- all like "greatest comic book movie EVER!" "Heads above the previous Batman films!" (although granted that last one wouldn't be too hard to do) and just tons of other great things said about it. So then I started to get psyched all like "Ok, now I gotta see this..."

I was planning on seeing it on Saturday but then I checked Fandango and oddly enough there were only 4 showings (not counting the IMAX version but still, that ain't much). So i didn't wanna deal with the weekend crowd for that. So we joined Henry and his crew for the movie on Thursday.

So did the movie stand up to all the reviews?


I thought the movie was definitely good, and without a DOUBT the best Batman movie ever made (Live action at least- cuz Mask of the Phantasm was a pretty sweet Batman movie). But as I said before, that in itself isn't saying much b/c ALL of the previous Batman movies kinda sucked INCLUDING the first 2 Michael Keaton ones. I know people seemed to love those movies for whatever reason, but I wasn't feeling them. And the less said about Joel Shumacher's last two abominations, the better.

But don't get me wrong, the movie was cool, but I just don't see what all the hoopla was about. Granted I only had two complaints about the movie. One I won't mention here b/c it might spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it but I can at least say it pertains to the main villaiin of the movie. And second was that, they didn't fix my initial complaint about the fight scenes. All the fights still sucked. I can't STAND that jerky camera motion and massive editing to piece the fights together. Granted I understand it would prob be kinda hard for any person to really move around and fight in that costume but still, it just really bothers me.

Other than that though, still not much to complain about. They kept the movie VERY true to the comic book. They even put in a little bit of humor, but nothing campy. They also explained everything very well. This movie really made the audience understand why Bruce Wayne became Batman, and even though this IS just a comic book, it was made as realistic as possible so the audience could really identify with him. So props to them for that.

So yeah, while nothing was truly "wrong" with the movie- it still wasn't this grand masterpiece people were making it sound. Both the X-Men movies still reign as the greatest comic book movies ever, and hell to some people (like me), this might not even crack their top 5. (Cuz I still like Punisher, Sin City and Spider-Man 1 & 2 better).

But then again I'm a picky comic book geek with distinct tastes, so don't let my opinion get to you. If you're a fan of Batman- go see the movie- it's definitely the best BATMAN movie you'll ever see. I'd hold off on thinking movie of the year though. But go, have fun. It's good stuff, just don't let those amazing reviews get your hopes up, like it did mine and then be disappointed.


Friday was a VERY long day for me. I had to get up by 5am to be at Fordham by 6:30am so I could pick up my co-workers and then drive up the middle school so we could get them all on the bus for the field trip we were gonna have to the Aquarium up in Mystic, Connecticut.

The bus had a DVD player so I brought the Incredibles, Finding Nemo and Shrek 2 for them all to watch on the ride there and back (and we actually got through them all). The Aquarium itself was also a lot of fun. I had never been there before, so I had just about as good a time as the kids going around seeing all the interesting things they had around.

The only bad part about the trip was that we hit MAJOR traffic, especially on the way back to NY. It was nearly a 3 hour ride back, so even though we had the movies to entertain us, it was just killing my back to be sitting that long, and also despite the movies, the kids were getting restless near the end. It also sucked b/c I was supposed to meet Steve P by 6:30 since he had my ticket to the Judas Priest show and he was also my ride out to Jones Beach.

Luckily, Steve wasn't in any kind of a rush, so even though I showed up a few minutes late things turned out ok.

And thank god, the ride out to Jones Beach wasn't too bad, b/c I wasn't looking forward to being stuck in more traffic. It went pretty quick, so that was good.

As for the show itself- we wound up having AWESOME seats. We were in the upper section, but towards the front of it, and we were DEAD CENTER. So that was sweet. Then Priest just went on and kicked ass as usual. I would even say, some of their songs came out better than they did at Mohegan (at least i think Exciter did). So yeah, I'd still rank the Saturday show at Mohegan a little higher and I prob would have enjoyed it even more if I just wasn't so dead tired but it was still a great show.


I was also happy to find out that night that System of a Down will be coming around in concert sometime in August. So I'm pretty psyched for that.

Also, speaking of concerts- I was FINALLY able to score tix for Ariana for a Marc Anthony show. He'll be at MSG with Alejandro Fernandez and Chayanne (who Ariana also really likes) in September and even though I don't know much by any of those artists, I'm just glad I was able to get tix b/c I just really wanted to treat Ariana to something nice and she's very excited.

It'll just be a very busy concert week for us, as a few days earlier (Sept 1st) we have Green Day & Jimmy Eat world over at Giants Stadium, and then the night AFTER the Marc Anthony show we return to MSG for the Coldplay show. So yeah it'll be crazy but should be a lot of fun.


And finally (as far as I can think of at the moment), I wound up joining the WWE Fantasy League. It's basically like Fantasy baseball but just with wrestling where you have a budget and you draft wrestlers and get points depending on what they do. It was free this time around, and Charles and a few of his buddies (who I also know) are doing it and encouraged me to join their league so I figured "why the hell not?" I'm actually a week behind (I joined too late to participate for week 1 last week) but I'm set up for this week, and with my extensive wrestling knowledge and knack for figuring out what the hell the WWE is gonna do, I should be able to catch up pretty well.

So wish me luck!


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