Thursday, May 19, 2005

And Out Come the Geeks...

It's finally over...

As I mentioned in my last post, I went to see Star Wars: Episode III- Revenge of the Sith last night at the midnight showing.

It was a pretty long day for me, as we had one of our college trips for the high school students in the morning (meaning I had been awake since like 5:30am) and I didn't get to bed last night til about 4am. But at least I wound up taking off from work today (I got plenty of days left I need to use anyways) but I feel really bad for Ariana who already had a long day at work yesterday (she stayed til after 7pm) and had something come up at work today where she had to be in the office by 7:15am (meaning she prob only got about an hour and a half of sleep).

I must once again say that I am one of the luckiest guys in the world to have such an awesome girlfriend b/c she knew about the early start to her day a few days ago, yet STILL went with me to the movie last night. Now THAT'S love. ;-)


But yeah, back to the movie outting- man did the geeks come out in full force for RotS. Not TOO many people in costume but like nearly every other person there had a lightsaber. I came pretty low-key. I mean I DO have a jedi costume and lightsabers (yes that's plural, lol) but I didn't feel like dressing up. I just wore my Boba Fett t-shirt. Although after seeing all the people with lightsabers I felt a tinge of regret that I did not bring mine. Oh well...

But lightsabers and costumes weren't the only ways to tell we were surrounded by huge geeks. You could just TELL by the reactions they all had to certain things. Example- during "the Twenty" before the movie they show commercials and crap and they had a bunch of really cheesy ones and they were all cracking up. Oh and the big one (that had me busting out laughing) is that one of the previews before the movie was for the Chronicles of Narnia- The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Well you could definitely tell that the audience was geeky when they "ooh'ed" and "ahh'ed" at almost everything, but then the crowd ERUPTED in huge cheers and claps the second the Lion appeared on screen.

It's like "ok, the movie looks neat, but c'mon now..." I mean I don't deny my geekiness but even I'm not that bad (for some things at least, lol).

But anyways, as for the movie itself. It was freakin awesome. Definitely WAAAAY better than the first 2 prequels (in just about every aspect). They wrapped up pretty much all the plotlines they needed to and the action was pretty cool too.

I was also happy that they referenced a few small things from the comics, novels and even the cartoon. Nothing major, but it was cool to know I was probably only one of the few people in the audience to get pretty much everything being said. (Although actually there is one thing in the movie that while it may not be considered "major" but that you probably needed to watch the cartoon to understand- ask me about it if you are curious).

I won't speak anymore about the movie right now (I'll wait a few days or so, after I'm sure a good percentage of you have seen it) so I don't ruin anything for anyone. But I do recomend the movie highly. Don't let your opinions of the first two affect your decision of whether or not to go see this one. As I said, this one is very different. It's pretty dark (no more kids stuff like Episode I) and wraps up pretty much everything you need to know for the original trilogy (plus the lightsaber battles in this one just all kick ass).

So yeah, I'm sure I'll wind up seeing this movie at least 1-2 more times (definitely on the IMAX screen, and maybe digitally down in the city), so if anyone wants to go in a group let me know, I'll prob join along, lol.


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