Monday, April 11, 2005

Pre-(and current) Birthday rambling- All in One!

To touch on something I mentioned in a previous post- Joe V. e-mailed me about the Ultimate Warrior speech at UConn. I actually downloaded the full speech in video format. But it's an hour long so I haven't gone through it yet. I did watch about a minute of it though and he just so looks so different now b/c his hair is short and he had a suit on.

But both me and Joe commented on how hysterical it would have been if he actually showed up to the speech in full gear (and if not full gear, at LEAST the face-paint). That would have been great stuff....


I surprised Ariana on Friday night by taking her out to see the movie Bride and Prejudice. She had been wanting to see it for awhile but the only theaters playing it nearby were down in the city and we had been too busy to go the last few weeks. But we finally managed to squeeze it into our crazy schedules.

I didn't really know what to expect as I had only seen one short preview, but the movie actually wound up being a lot of fun. The one thing that kinda caught me off guard though is the fact that it's KIND OF a musical (there are at least 5 musical numbers). The first one was at a party though, so I didn't think anything of it. But once there was a second number about 10-15 minutes later right in the center of the town (in a very Moulin Rouge type setup) I just had to laugh. The music scenes were kinda cheesy, but cute. This is definitely a date movie. But fear not guys, b/c one thing I gotta tell you- all the women in this movie are absolutely gorgeous! I don't think I've ever seen a movie with as many beautiful women in it as this one had. Don't get me wrong, if you're looking for half naked hot women- look elsewhere, but if you can just appreciate beauty, then guys look no farther than this movie (I think even the girls would be in awe).


I bought the new Reel Big Fish CD yesterday along with another ska CD- The Forces of Evil (which is like a ska "super group" with members of a bunch of famous ska groups, including the lead singer of Reel Big Fish). They basically play just straight up fun ska like back from when it was originally popular.

So today, I was playing the CDs while driving around with the windows rolled down. Ska is such great spring-time music...


I finished the Star Wars novel I was reading- Yoda: Dark Rendevous, which was pretty cool (and had some hysterical parts in it too) and started on the final book (well maybe not final- but the one that is basically the prequel to Revenge of the Sith)- Labyrinth of Evil. I'm already halfway through it and it's a pretty damn good book. Even moreso than the other books b/c this one ties together soooo many loose strings.

It's awesome b/c it references things from the comics plus the previous novels (and it feels so good to know about everything they mention). And like I said it ties together some loose strings, including things from the movies. An example- remember in Episode 2 when Obi-Wan goes to the cloning facility on Kamino and when he asks about who ordered the clones the aliens mention a "Master Sifo Dyas" but no one knew who the HELL that was, nor did they bother explaining it? Well this book fully explains who Sifo Dyas was and how he ties into the Jedi, Dooku and the clones. So I found that pretty cool.


I ordered tix on Friday for me and Ariana to go see Green Day in September. They are a lot of fun in concert and Ariana has never seen them (and has been wanting to), so we are pretty psyched for the show (although we both wish it was in a smaller venue like Roseland or Hammerstein instead of freakin Giants Stadium... oh well).

Then the next day, Steve P. ordered tix for a few of us to go see Judas Priest at Jones Beach on June 17th. So that's two more concerts to look forward to! And we ALSO plan to see Judas Priest again at Mohegan Sun (gambling and music- good times). Whoo!!

And even though they're not concerts- just today I ordered an 8 game Season ticket package for the Yankees this season. I ordered 4 sets, just like last year, so it'll be me, Ariana, Christina, and a friend of hers. So of course I'm also looking forward to that, especially b/c this year we're getting a lot more better teams in the package than last year (this package has the Angels, Twins, Mariners, etc). So once again- Whoo-hoo!


And well considering it is past midnight as a write this- today is officially my birthday. Well earlier tonight, I was at my grandparents and they got me a small gag gift. They gave me this huge box, and inside was another box, and then inside that box was a box of Frosted Flakes. But this was actually cool b/c it was a special Star Wars box and the "toy inside" was a lightsaber spoon! The handle looks like a lightsaber handle, and the spoon part is clear and it actually lights up (I got a red one- so I'm now officially "EVIL!")!

So we all laughed at the gag (I was pretty surprised at it actually). But thing is... the spoon is actually pretty cool, believe it or not. I may be tempted to use it (or at least play with it) at the dinner table in the future (God I'm such a geek aren't I? lol).


And last but not least I leave you all with a HYSTERICAL away message that Sheila put up tonight that had me cracking up. If you know her, then you've probably seen it before (she's had it for quite some time but it's been awhile since I've seen her use it and it just had me rolling tonight). So enjoy!

Hey Baby,
I'm sorry for the recent beef...I had my priorities all messed up..I thought you wanted someone new, or worse for me to add someone to our relationship. But last night, you showed me just how much you truly wanted me...made every ache, and insecurity go away for eight hours....the longest by far recently....So to you, my life partner, my bed...I dedicate all my nights and occassional days to you and only couch could ever take your place!!!


Good night everybody!


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