Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Finally back

Well, I've been on vacation, which is why I haven't updated in awhile. That said, I have some catching up to do.

I'm doing this strictly from memory, so I may have to come back here and edit stuff (or add it in later), so bear with me.

So let's see, last weekend was nice and calm. Me and Ariana went to the movies again and we finally saw Be Cool. It was amusing. Not a "good movie" in the traditional sense, but it was lots of fun. Let's just say your brain did NOT have to be in the "On" position to enjoy this movie. Plus the Rock was freakin hysterical as the gay bodyguard of Vince Vaughn's character.


Another amusing thing- thanks to my DVR I now record Saturday Morning cartoons and watch them later in the day. one of the cartoons I record is the anime- Shaman King. Well on last week's episode, they were still in the middle of a huge storyline where the Shaman have to go in teams of 3 and battle each other. So each week they are spotlighting different teams. Well this week one of the main character's teams fought a team called- Team Doom.

The reason I'm mentioning this?

The names of the members of the team were Ronnie, Iaomi and Ozzy- all names of members of very famous Metal bands (Dio & Black Sabbath). They also had a rocker motif to their group. I just found that kinda cool.


Speaking of cartoons though, this week both the coolest and suckiest thing happened. The cool thing was- this week was the beginning of the Star Wars: Clone Wars Animated series on Cartoon Network.

The sucky thing was- I had almost forgotten about it! I wound up finding out it had already started on Tuesday about an hour before the second episode was supposed to air. I was pretty upset, b/c for some reason I had it in my head that the series was starting the week after. Luckily, Cartoon Network was cool and was posting the entire episode from the previous day on their website. So I watched it on my PC just in time to watch the 2nd episode.

Then they replayed all 5 episodes on Saturday night, which I DVR'd so I was quite happy about that.

The cartoons were freakin AWESOME. Way better than the first season, mostly b/c each episode was no about 15 minutes long each (unlike last season where each episode was only about 3-5 mins each). This allowed for actual dialogue and plot development and stuff.

The series was also pretty important Star Wars canon-wise, as it showed and explained a lot of things that may not be "major" but were cool to see. Such as the Knighting of Anakin, explaining how C-3PO got his gold plating, the kidnapping of Senator Palpatine by General Grievious, and Anakin's first look at the melding of machine and man for evil purposes (a foreshadowing of what he becomes as Darth Vader).

So yeah, it was REALLY well done, and the series ended pretty much exactly where the movie is supposed to begin, which was another cool thing.

Anyone with even the least bit of interest in Star Wars should check it out. I believe the episodes are still posted on the Cartoon Network website, so take a look.


And finally (since I actually have to cut this post short b/c I gotta run), my mom and her husband wound up winning tix to the Nets vs Grizzlies NBA game at Continental Airlines arena this past Thursday night and they didn't care to go so they gave them to me and Ariana. It was pretty cool b/c the tix were fairly expensive too (they said $75 each).

I had never been to a basketball game before, so I was fairly psyched. I wish it was better teams we were going to see, but beggars can't be choosers.

Once we got seated at the game, we realized that despite the price on the tix, the seats weren't as close as we had imagined. They were still good, but I would have expected more for the price.

The Nets wound up losing the game, but it still wound up being a lot of fun. There were lots of extracurriculars that went on between the quarters that were pretty fun.

One of those extras was a game where they took 2 people from the audience and put them in those fun Sumo wrestling outfits. Then they put balls on each end of the court and a bucket in center court, where the people were supposed to run up to and put the ball into. The catch was, the team's mascot (some Wolf character, which sadly I do not know the name of) was defending the bucket. And in order to defend the goal, he went buckwild on the poor fools in the sumo suits- totally knocking them on their asses anyway he could (flying dropkicks, clotheslines, shoving them to the floor, jumping on top of them, and other assorted wrestling manuevers). It was pretty freakin hilarious. I turned to Ariana after the game (and just as the Mascot was dropping an elbow on one of the fallen sumo's) and said "Now THIS is a game I'd pay to see."

Another fun thing about the game was, that we were on one of the ends of the court, so they started distributing those inflatable "banger" things (the suckers u always see the audience wave to distract the players from making free throws). We didn't get any at first but we were surrounded by some fairly nice people, and a couple offered both me and Ariana a pair. And I couldn't have imagined before, how just adding those stupid banger balloons to the experience of the game could make it SOOOOO much more fun (plus me and Ariana of course used them for fake sword battles after the game in the parking lot).

Another cool thing, I never realized when watching the NBA on TV. They play music during the entire game (except during free throws), which I thought would prob be distracting to the players, but it definitely made for a more fun experience for the audience.

So yeah all in all a fun time was had.

And with that, I am off, b/c I'm about to go see Alter Bridge in concert at Irving Plaza (WHOO! First concert in MONTHS!). Later!


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