Friday, March 11, 2005

Star Wars Goodness

Ok, so earlier tonight Fox decided to air the brand new Star Wars trailer for Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith "during" an episode of The OC.

Well I could give a rat's ass about the OC, and I was at Ariana's place and we were watching Smackdown with her Dad. But I would switch to ch. 5 during commercials to see if I would catch it. The commercial breaks actually wound up coinciding for once, which was cool, but nada. At least, not until I tried one last time at like 8:57pm.

The OC was JUST ending and as it was I turned to Ariana and was like "Well I guess we must have missed it, unless they decided to be VERY evil and make everyone wait until the show was over for the preview."

And right on cue as the show ended, the preview began.

Now before I speak about the preview itself, I just gotta say a big fat "HA HA!" (in Nelson-like fashion) to anyone who was stupid enough to sit through the whole episode just to see this preview. And also shame on Fox for tricking those poor geeks into watching a show I'm sure 90% of them would NEVER have watched under normal circumstances, when they COULD have just said "Stay tuned for AFTER the OC for the Star Wars preview," instead of the false promise that it might happen sometime during one of the mid-show commercial breaks.

But in the end, who cares, b/c I lucked into it without having to watch more than 30 seconds of the OC, so hooray!

As for the preview itself- just freakin awesome.

I mentioned in the last post how I am really looking forward to the movie, what with all the books and comics and stuff. Well after seeing this preview I must say that I am now just absolutely giddy.

It just looks so bad-ass... May 19th can't come soon enough...


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