Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A little extra bit of rambling

It's pretty slow here in the office b/c the schools are on vacation this week and we are just cleaning up the office (and i finished my section already) so I figured I'd just post more stuff. Aren't you so lucky?

Well yesterday was President's day meaning- no work! So I was happy about that. However, I wasn't happy about the fact it snowed, or the fact that Ariana had a bunch of school work and other chores she just needed to get done, so we wound up not being able to hang out.

So I spent the day being a bum. I watched a TON of stuff I recorded last week on my DVR. And I know I've already sung the praises of that device, but it truly is great. One show I really get to enjoy now that I didn't watch on any kind of regular basis before is the Daily Show. Good Lord is that show just freakin hysterical. After watching all last week, I was inspired to purchase the book- America by Jon Stewart on Amazon. I can't wait until it arrives.

I also wound up getting into another show, although this one is more of a guilty pleasure. It's Gilmore Girls. My mom and sis used to watch the show when it first started and I'd be in the dining room on the computer but never really paying attention. Well the other week at Henry's b-day party we watched an episode and it was pretty entertaining. Then I saw another episode during the week and I got hooked. The dialogue on the show is superb, especially anything between the two main characters. It's just really witty and fun- on par with stuff like Buffy and Angel for sure. I can't believe I'm admitting all this here for the world to see, but it is a fun show.

- And as for other fun shows, I've mentioned in the past how I wake up to watching Cold Pizza on ESPN2 in the mornings. It's a great morning show. Well they are in the middle of a segment called 30 Teams in 30 Days where they rate all 30 Baseball teams (one a day) and speak to a member of the team and tell them their teams grade and ask them questions.

Well today was the Brewers turn. Big Whoop, you say? That's what I was thinking initially also. But then they brought on their starting pitcher- Ben Sheets and it wound up being a hysterical interview.  It was probably the most fun sports interview i've seen in a LONG time. 

Sheets talked about being terrible pitcher/hitter- he never hit in HS, said the last time he did it was in little league.  He made jokes how he only had about 9 hits all year last season.  Jay made joke about "So the rumors that Ben Sheets is using Steroids to help his swing, that's completely not true right?."  And Ben responded "I think you misheard that, that was TWINKIES, I've been using twinkies to improve my swing."
He continued to mock himself saying things like: "But the thing could be, I could be left handed, I haven't tried that yet, but I KNOW I'm not a right handed hitter, maybe I'm a left handed swinger, I dunno, I should try it." And these were just a few of his amusing comments that were just made more funny by the delivery. And it came across well on TV b/c you could just see how much fun both the interviewer and interviewee were having. So that was cool.


I didn't just watch stuff from DVR though. I also watched Saw (by myself, b/c Ariana told me the other day it wasn't her type of film and my sister who was supposed to watch it with me, bailed last minute to continue playing Suikoden 4).

It was interesting to say the least. It wasn't as gory and bloody as I expected from the commercials. It was much more of a mindjob and a pretty good one at that. I can say I was genuinely surprised by the ending. The only problem was while the ending made sense, it wasn't explained very well (there were a lot of plotholes). In the end I'd give it a thumbs in the middle but leaning slightly up (b/c of the uniqueness of the film).


And finally, big things happened on Raw last night (ok ok, so just one big thing, but it was pretty cool). Batista finally made his decision about which title he would fight for at Wrestlemania and to the surprise of no one chose Triple H. It was just how it went down that was cool. Fisticuffs were exchanged (including Batista powerbombing HHH through a table) so now we are full steam ahead for Wrestlemania 21.

I just want to put something on record though. I made mention of this to a few of my wrestling fan buddies, but I want it known that I have an idea that was in my head well before Wrestlemania. it pertains to the Smackdown World Championship. Right now the match is John Cena vs JBL for the title and everyone is picking Cena to topple the champ b/c JBL has had the title for nearly a year and evryone online thinks he should lose it on the grandest stage of the year in a one on one match.

Well, I disagree.

First off, I think Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio should fight in a #1 Contenders match at WM21, which Rey should win and I think JBL should once again win and go off gloating how he now has no more legit challengers to his title. Then on a Smackdown in the near future they should have JBL vs Rey Mysterio, and JBL will be all cocky and not take Rey seriously and not even make one of his "guarentees" of winning, and then actually lose the title.

JBL will be humiliated and fans will eat it up by not only laughing at JBL's loss but loving the fact that Mysterio was the one to do it. You kill two birds with one stone. And as for those who say "how could Rey be champ?" Well I wouldn't have him hold it for long. Probably for like barely a month. He would be a total "transitional champ" and drop the belt shortly to Kurt Angle. That way Angle can kick ass and work main events against guys like Booker T, Eddie Guerrero, RVD and Undertaker (who would prob be his Summerslam main event foe).

This is what WWE should do if they were smart, cuz it thinks in the long term. So of course they totally won't do this and just have Cena win the title... but hey, I can dream. And if it DOES happen? Well then you heard it here first!


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