Monday, February 14, 2005

As promised....

Here are the links and quotes I mentioned in the last post.

First off, a funny link Joe V. sent to me. It's kinda long but totally worth it. Check it out:


Second, is a hysterical quote from John Stewart from the Daily Show last week.

I know everyone is still probably reeling a little bit at home after watching Katie Couric's report earlier tonight- "the 411- Teens and Sex".  411 of course slang- teen slang for "information," concerning sex.
Apparently in this country teens like "doing it"
"Doin it" by the way- also slang.
"Doin" of course meaning participating or engaging in.  And "it" the pronoun or euphemism, in this case referring to "f**king."
-It's funnier if you hear the deilvery of the joke, but oh man, did that have me lmao.


- Oh and for the geeks out there. My mom's husband (who is a huge Star Wars geek) sent me this link which contains the opening scroll of Episode 3. Only click on it if you don't mind spoilers.


Blogger NicaDomi said...

Dude that link was sick. I can never look at any morio game the same way again!

8:53 PM  

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