Thursday, January 20, 2005

I just had to add this in here too

I had posted this in a yahoo group I'm a part of, but I got some fun responses so I'm putting it here too so you can all join in on the debate.

So here is the post as I put it up on the group:

I'm here bored out of my mind at work, and was just flipping through an issue of Wizard magazine (yes, the one about comic books and related items). And in the letters page, the editor started cracking jokes on one of his co-editors that made the statement "a hot dog is a sandwich."

Then throughout the rest of the issue, different writers threw their 2 cents in ragging on the guy. It was pretty amusing, so I decided to throw the same question out to u guys to see what kind of crazy responses we might get.

So- Hotdog: sandwich or not?

Playing devil's advocate, I'll make some points as to why it could be a sandwich. First off- it's meat in bread, with lots of other toppings (if desired). Isn't that the same as making a salami and cheese sandwich? you could add mayo and lettuce if you want, and for a hotdog u can put on ketchup and saurkraut. Also, even hamburgers could be technically called sandwiches. At some fast food places, burgers and some chicken items are under the "sandwich" banner. So why not hotdogs?

Now I for one don't think a hot dog is a sandwich (as the editor of the magazine stated in his response "you try asking a street vendor for a 'hot dog sandwich' and see what happens!"). But what other reasons can u all think of?

Let the debate begin...

[can you all tell I'm REALLY bored?]


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