Thursday, January 13, 2005

Holiday Recap

Ok so my last post was dedicated to a year end recap, but now I'll just quickly go through some cool things that happened over my extended Christmas Break.

First off, Christmas Eve was pretty cool. We spent it at my grandparents and it wound up being a good time. There was no drama with my sister and her bf, which was a very good thing, and the rest of the night was a lot of fun as the whole family spent most of it playing Karaoke Revolution 3, which I had gotten Ariana for her b-day.

I made out pretty good, gift-wise. I got a Dell DJ mp3 player from my grandparents (which holds 5gb worth of music), Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2- The Sith Lords from my mom, and then Ariana got me a Gameboy Advance SP (it was the retro one that looks like the original NES controller, which is way cool), a game for the GBA (Dragonball Z- Buu's Fury), and The Simpsons Season 5 on DVD. And my sister surprised the hell out of me by giving me a card with a $50 Bestbuy gift card in it (t surprised me b/c me and Jenny rarely exchange gifts b/c she never has any money. But now she has a job so I guess she was making up for past years). So I was a very happy camper.

As for what I got Ariana, I got her Friends Season 8 on DVD, 3 CD's (2 from Juanes, and the Gwen Stefani CD) and this Purple Care Bears Cuddle Pillow she had been wanting for a long time but was nearly impossible to find. I lucked out and found it on ebay (and it was the ONLY one available) and was even luckier to win it. So she was very happy.


Skipping ahead a few days, on the following Wed, me and Ariana hung out with Greg and Jessii. First we went down to the E-Walk theater in Times Square to go see House of Flying Daggers (which kicked much ass and I enjoyed it even more than Crouching Tiger, and Hero). Then we headed back uptown and went to the New Roc City arcade for their Wacky Wednesday promotion.

Now, I had been to the Wacky Wed thing once before in the summer and it was awesome, but this time it was VERY over-crowded with kids running around everywhere. We wound up meeting up with Jordan, Gaetano, Adam and even Alan showed up later (we also ran into Anita and Adam who were once again attached by the hip to the Dance Dance Revolution machines), but we were barely all together for any period of time b/c it was just so insane in there. We did have a fun time though, only thing that sucked was not being able to play lazer tag but oh well... next time.


Skipping ahead again to New Year's Eve, we wound up going to Patty and Joe's place in New Rochelle. A good portion of the crew were there, including Joe and Marisa, so it was good to see them. Goombah also was back from Hawaii and it was cool to have him around (and to entertain and astonish us as we all watched him consume an ENTIRE bottle of Jameson in about 2 hours).

There was a South Park marathon on, and they showed the J-Lo episode which I convinced everyone to watch, so that was fun. And then I don't remember exactly how it came up, but somehow Joe got the brilliant idea of bringing out his illegal fireworks from the closet, immediately turning all of us (well all the guys at least) back into little kids and wanting to go out and shoot some off in the middle of the night.

So just about all of us headed outside (including Goombah's little buddy- Jameson who he couldn't bear to part with all night) and went to the parking lot across the street to light those fireworks up.

Joe had a really big rocket sized firework that he shot to start us all off, which was cool. Then we had a few smaller ones we set off. But Henry had a bottle rocket he wanted to shoot so he put it in the big rocket container and shot it out of that.

Problem was, since the hole for the rocket was so wide the smaller bottle rocket was kind of leaning to the side when placed in it. Thus, it didn't exactly shoot straight up... went zooming around all crazy in the air before finally taking a dip and exploding in someone's yard and it may have even hit the house, we couldn't tell... but we weren't about to wait and find out. We all immediately hightailed it back to the house, but with one other small problem- Joe and Patty had kind of locked themselves out of the apartment.

Luckily Maryellen and Marisa were still inside and we got to the door just as they were coming out to see what all the commotion was about (lucky for us, b/c if they had come out, we would have ALL been locked out). So we all just ran back inside. So that definitely made the night a lot more interesting. We all felt like we were in high school again.

All in all it was a very fun party and I would like to thank Joe and Patty once again for inviting us all over for it. You guys rock!


As for my next week off, well I'll be writing about that strictly from memory b/c I haven't found my new day planner thing yet, so I haven't written anything anywhere yet.

One big thing is that me and Ariana finally started playing X-Men Legends. It is pretty cool so far. It was a bit tough at first b/c sometimes there are so many guys on screen that it's hard to see where and who you are and also Ariana isn't used to playing these types of games (although honestly this style of gameplay isn't my forte either) so we struggled a bit but have since gotten the hang of it and it is quite fun. We even went to my friends Matthew and David's place Friday night for some 4 player gaming and that was cool too. We also wound up watching Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle on DVD (which I had just purchased earlier in the day), so that was fun (it's a hysterical movie, even if you are not a stoner).

Before that though, in other big/good news, my sister decided to come live back home, which was cool. Even though the house will now be even more crowded, I don't care b/c me and Jenny just get along really well and I had been missing having her around all the time. So now I got another buddy for video gaming (and just someone else around the house to bother and tease as my big brother code requires of me)! Whoo-hoo!

Oh another cool thing was that I helped Ariana fix and clean up her house a bit in order for her to get Cable TV and cable internet! The cable people came on Friday morning to install it, and I came over after to set up the internet and everything is running great. This is awesome b/c now we don't always have to go back to my place to chill and watch TV and stuff. Also great for her so now she doesn't have to stick herself in the library or stay late at work just to make use of the internet for school (or even personal) stuff.

Umm let's see what else? Oh, me and Ariana went bowling on Saturday and I don't know what happened to me, but she kicked my ass in 2 straight games. Our lifetime record still has me one game over her, but still that wasn't a good night for me, lol.

And that's about it for noteworthy things (that I can think of at the moment, at least), the rest of the week was just us vegging out and catching up on movies and TV shows and stuff. All in all it was a very relaxing and fun 2 week vacation, and it really sucked to have to come back to work this week, lol.

Hope everyone's Holidays were good as well!


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