Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Big catch-up Update

I realize I have not been updating this blog as much as usual lately. I've just been mad busy, what with school, an annual report and an audit at work, add in a dash of laziness and you have my excuse for not updating recently.

Thus, I have a lot to catch up on, so please bear with me.

First off, lots of people have been asking me how my mom's wedding went. It was pretty nice. It was a simple affair. No real wedding party, my mom didn't even wear a traditional wedding dress (she figured why waste the money). Basically my grandfather gave her away, our Pastor did the traditional wedding spiel and that was it. I was up in the front also but only to take pictures and stuff.

The reception was nice as well as she wound up having a HUGE turnout. i was happy for her that all her old friends showed up. The food they had catered (and made themselves) was also GREAT. I had to fight myself to not go for seconds as I am now in the process of trying to lose weight and cutdown the amount I eat. But yeah as for the wedding as a whole, I believe fun was had by all.


I have continued to collect those Incredibles toys at McDonald's. I have 5 out of the 8, but sadly when i went this past Sunday to the McDy's near my grandparents, I saw that they had changed the toys to something new. So I was pretty bummed, i will now have to resort to ebay to finish my collection... oh well, I guess that's healthier, lol.


Oh, I FINALLY got my hands on the ECW DVD (well i shouldn't say "finally" I wound up getting it that same weekend but I went through Hell to get it).

Basically, none of the Bestbuys or Circuit City's (or anywhere that would have it for a decent price) had it in stock after the first day, b/c like I mentioned in the previous post, all those places seriously underordered the product.

Luckily i found it on Bestbuy.com and so I ordered it and saw that it said it would be available in the Yonkers store for pick-up so I selected that option. Well the next day i get an e-mail stating they won't have it at the Yonkers store. So I called and they told me that they DID have it at the Mount Vernon store. So i told them to switch the pick-up to there. I had called Mount Vernon earlier in the day though and found out they only had gotten 20 copies though, so I was hoping the order would go through in time so they could hold me my reserved copy.

So anyways, after work I went up to the Mount Vernon Bestbuy, and my gut instinct was telling me "look for the DVD right away when u get for the store, even before you go to the online pick-up counter, b/c they may have put aside just the DVD itself and not the special edition that comes with the Rob Van Dam figure."

So i follow my gut and look for the DVD. It wasn't on the shelves so I ask one of the employees and they go to the back and bring me just the DVD. I ask if by any chance there is any with the figure also back there, and they went to check and they came back with one to give me. So i was psyched. I figured, if they did their job and my copy was on reserve in the back with the figure also, I would buy both, and Henry would buy the extra copy off me, since we are both huge ECW fans.

Well i get to the counter and i overhear someone else asking for the DVD and being told it's sold out. I offer up the copy of JUST the DVD i had to them, since I had no use for it (since I had the one with the figure). I then spoke to the cashier and she went to the back to get my DVD and lo and behold, it turns out they never put the item aside for me (THANK YOU GUT INSTINCT!) Luckily I had the last copy in my hands, so I just took that one. So I was a bit upset that I was SECONDS behind losing it to that person asking for it I saw at the counter even though it was rightfully mine as I ordered it. But then i was very happy that I actually got my copy and couldn't wait to watch it.

So the next night, me and Ariana did watch it (well the 1st disc which was the documentary part) and the sucker was like 3 and a half hours long, but by the end of it i still wanted more. It was just really well done. I can't wait to watch the second disc with the matches.


On the subject of wrestling, I just have a small handful of things to mention.

First off, as I've stated before, sometimes Ariana says some hysterical stuff during wrestling bringing me back to the heydays of when me and Charles would watch it and just crack jokes on the show the entire time. Well last week she got me with another one that had me rolling. There was some stupid skit with the Big Show going on at Smackdown, and well recently he had his head shaved by Kurt Angle, so he's now sporting the "Steve Austin"-look (bald head, goatee). Thing is, he parted his fairly thick goatee at the chin. So Ariana pointed out that the two parts now look like testicles. And it's so true, with his bald head and the weirdly parted goatee, his head now looks like a penis. It's pretty freakin hilarious (and leads me to wonder if it was part of some backstage razzing by the other wrestlers b/c after having it pointed out to me, I realized it was pretty blatant). So yeah, that was highly amusing.

Next, was last week's Raw which as my favorite wrestling columnist dubbed "Orton is Nitro" since it was as bad as the last days of WCW Monday Nitro. Basically they've been running this gimmick where the members of the winning team at last month's Survivor Series each get a week to run the show. Last weeks was Orton's turn, and well his show SUCKED. Stupid angles, not so great matches, lame skits that made no sense. It was annoying to watch, yet I have to admit it brought a devilish grin to my face as it solidifies in my mind how much Orton sucks, and hopefully other people noticed that as well.

Luckily this week's Raw is JERICHO, was MUCH better, with really fun matches and a push by Edge in trying to become my new favorite wrestler. Basically the World title was vacated after the mess from last week and Edge came out to bitch that it was Orton's fault and he should have won the title. Then Orton came out and started to talk trash about how the only failure in the ring was Edge (while in my head I was all like "Hell no, Edge kicked Orton's ass all summer long even beating him for the Intercontinental title!")

Thankfully Edge's memory isn't as short term as most wrestling fan's memories are and he brought up that fact all like "How dare you come in here and look at me with those beady little eyes of yours (HA!) and talk about how evenly matched we are. I kicked your ass all summer long! i even ended your 8 month long IC title reign. (Hell yeah!) Your memory must be failing b/c it's a fact that when it comes to you and me... you're my BITCH! (Testify brother!)"

That last line was delievered with such intensity and conviction. I gotta tell you, it had me clapping and cheering in my room. They went on to brawl after that very last comment, and I loved every second of it. I hope Edge kicks his ass next week, it will put a huge ass grin on my face til the end of the year.


Took the students from my two high schools on a college trip to Rutgers University last Wed. Sadly it poured that day, and my boss and co-workers pointed out to me that EVERY time I plan a trip it there is either a snow storm or heavy rains. My boss teased that I must call the meteorologist a month in advance to see when there is gonna be horrible weather and pick my trip for that exact day. I definitely didn't plan it, but it just seems to work out that way.

The trip turned out well though, and I even went the extra mile by going to Blockbuster the day before and renting Spider-Man 2 on VHS so we could watch on the bus ride. The students were pretty happy about that, so that was cool.


My cable was gving me problems all last week. Some channels were just blank and they couldn't fix it by the computers over the phone or by me doing a manual "hard-reset." It was pretty annoying as it affected Channel 5, ESPN and Comedy Central, channels i watch fairly frequently. I had to have a technician come but they only make appointments in blocks like 9-12, 1-4, 2-5, etc. I chose 2-5pm on Friday since sometimes I get out early and also my mom gets home by 3:30 and cable people are usually notoriously late.

Well it figures that the ONE time i'm HOPING they are late they show up on time. I got a call at 2:20pm telling me they were in front of my house but no one was home so I had to reschedule. When i got home and called to reschedule they gave me a hard time and wouldn't give me an appointment for Saturday (the ONLY day I would be around all week as I had schoolwork to do). The helpdesk person was really annoying and I had to bitch them out and make a scene (which i don't really like to do) but in the end I got my way.

So it figures that when i wake up on Saturday morning, the cable is inexplicably working fine. I didn't cancel the appointment and the technician came anyway but couldn't find anything wrong, so it was kind of a waste. Luckily I got a credit for the near week of missing channels but it was still annoying.


I haven't had too much free time lately, but with the little bit I do have, i've been playing Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. I've really gotten into it over the past two weeks. I'm currently just going around trying to earn more pieces of heart which is kind of annoying since the world is so large but other than that it's a lot of fun. I think I'm about halfway through the game, so hopefully I will have it beat before Christmas b/c like i said- then it's X-Men Legends time!


And finally (last part of my blog, promise, lol). I just finished reading my latest Star Wars novel- The Approaching Storm. It was one of the ones that take place RIGHT before Episode II. It was really good and I enjoyed it a lot. I'm hoping more Clone Wars time-frame novels are made. Although in the meantime I have the Dark Horse Star Wars comics doing that and wow, i must say they are really well done... better than anything Lucas could even hope to DREAM of. You should really check them out.

But anyways, now that my Star Wars novel is done, I'm starting the fiction novel by Mick Foley- "Tietam Brown." I loved the 2 auto-biographies Foley wrote (some of the most hysterical reading put to print). So I'm hoping for good things from this book. I'll let you know how it is.

And with that I'm off, and will hopefully be able to update more often. Later!


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