Friday, October 22, 2004

I still love my Yankees


Well as the whole country knows by now, the Yankees lost to Boston on Thurs night. Sucks, but hey, what can ya do?

In all honesty, when the season began, I didn't fully expect the Yanks to win the World Series (maybe not even get there). I wanted it, and rooted for it of course, but I wasn't really expecting it. But when the Yanks were doing better than expected it was like "Cool."

The fact that they lost doesn't upset me much, the fact that they lost the way they did kinda does though. But hey, all records, good and bad, are made to be broken.

But as for Red Sox fans saying the curse is over? Umm... not yet buddies, u all still have one more step.

The curse isn't "Red Sox can't beat the Yankees." The Red Sox have beaten the Yankees before. Not recently maybe and never in the ALCS, but over the past 86 years, they have beat them a few times in the season (wins/losses-wise against them I mean), have won the AL East, and have even made it to the World Series. The curse is that they have not won a World Series in 86 years, and as of this time they haven't done it this year either.

If they do it? Then yeah, it's done, curse over. If they don't? Well then the curse still lives. It doesn't matter that they beat the Yankees. Just like last year when the Yanks beat the Red Sox. They went to the World Series but lost. So in the end, beating Boston meant nothing. It'd be the same thing this year. Yeah the comeback in the ALCS will give Boston something to brag about for many years, but the Yankee fans get to keep their "1918" chant (cuz sadly they've effectively lost rights to the "Who's Your Daddy?" chant) and the feud goes on.

Thing is though... if Boston does win, then what? The feud loses a bit of it's luster, and so does Boston as a franchise. They won't be the "lovable" (well to people outside NY) losers anymore. They'd just be another team. Nothing special about them (unless they somehow win a few championships in the next few seasons, but do you really see that happening?). The feud will still be fun but it will have whole new dimensions to it. The Red Sox will just be another tough team to beat. It loses that special aura it once had, and just becomes two rival teams battling it out, much like Dodgers/Giants and Chicago/St. Louis. Yeah those are good rivalries, but do they have the "magic" of Yanks/Red Sox? Nope, and if Boston wins, then Yanks/Red Sox won't have that magic either. It becomes just another feud.

Is that better? Is that worse? Arguments can be made for both sides. I won't go into it anymore, but I will say this. It will be different.

And Hell... if it does happen? Well then Boston will just have 25 Championships more to go! lol.


Shifting gears slightly though, but staying on the topic of Red Sox-Yankees. I must say that I can't stand most fans of either team.

Yankee fans are way too cocky. I mean we have good reason to be confident, but I can't stand the people who talk trash.

And the people I can't stand even more than those are the ones who turn on the Yanks immediately once they lose. All like "Yankees suck!" What just b/c they couldn't win a series this year? No team can win every year. They don't "suck" they just got beat, Case in point- yesterday and today I won my Yankees jacket to work. Kids around the high school saw me and were saying things (not all directly to me but in earshot) all like "what are you wearing a Yankee jacket for? They lost!" or "Yankees are crap." When just a few days before those same kids were talking trash and big Yankee fans.

I can't stand that! Geez people, you gotta stick by your teams! Good or bad! Yeah the Yanks lost Wed night, but you know what, I still love the Yankees. I still remember 1996, and 1998-2000. Wearing the Yankee jacket represents that too, not just the team who lost to Boston. And it's not like the Yankees are gonna turn into some crappy team like the Mets (ha, sorry guys!). They'll still compete and be a good team. Will they win more championships? That remains to be seen, but it's likely. But even if not, New Yorkers gotta learn to be gracious losers, cuz when you talk trash and then lose, they better expect to hear it back ten-fold.

-Now as for Boston fans. They're not much better. All that sore loser talk about how the Yanks are the "Evil Empire." Whatever. The Yanks have money, why shouldn't they be able to use it? They make money b/c people come to see the games, buy concessions and merchandise and tickets, so what is Steinbrenner supposed to do with all that money? Stuff it in his pockets? No, he spends it on his team to bring big name players to the center stage. People complain it's not fair. Well why isn't it? Because your team can't do it? Then things need to be made to fix that. Go support your local team; spend money, then the team will have more money to spend to get better players. It's a cycle. And don't tell me there is an unbalance. Of course there is some unbalance, you can't have 30 even teams. Some teams are gonna suck and some are gonna be really good. Plus look, the $48 million Marlins defeated the $170 million Yankees last year, so it ain't THAT uneven or impossible.

Oh and I also hate how it has become the latest celebrity (and non-celebrity) trend to say you're a Red Sox fan. All of a sudden these people who have no affiliation with Boston at all are coming out saying "Go Red Sox!" and it's just like "Who the Hell are you? And where were you the years they sucked?" I hate how now it's the "in-thing" to like the Red Sox. Screw those people. Screw fads. Pick a team and stick with them and don't come out of the closet just when they are doing well. Bastards...


As for the World Series itself. I was rooting for the Astros to win the NLCS b/c as pointed out on Cold Pizza on Thursday morning- If the Astros went to the World Series against the Red Sox, Clemens would be schedueled to face Pedro in Game 3, and also again in Game 7, which just so happens to be on Halloween night. So with all the talks of a "curse" and all, wouldn't that have been gloriously appropriate (well at least considering the Yanks are no longer a factor this season)?

But sadly that was not to be. The Cardinals won and it will be them to face Boston in the series. But that should be a good series too. The Cardinals were the best team in baseball this year so it should lead to some exciting games.

So let's go Cardinals!


In other news, some cool stuff from the other day. My mom's fiancee, is a huge Star Wars geek and he has collected a TON of unique Star Wars stuff from over the years. Sadly his ex-wife kept the majority of the cool stuff but he still had some things left, and he just passed a few of those things onto me.

He gave me stuff like the very first printing of Star Wars in novel form from 1977, also the very first hardcover version. A few cool posters, toys and such too. The best stuff though were some original artist sketches from the first three movies that he somehow got his hands on. He also has an original script. Just rare stuff not many other people in the world have. Which is pretty freakin sweet. Way to score points with me! lol.


Oh, I just started Legend of Zelda: Windwaker for the Gamecube this week. I've only played about 2 hours so far, but from what I've played I like it. Hopefully I can beat the game by Christmastime though, so I can start X-Men Legends with Ariana then. Wish me luck!


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