Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Columbus Day weekend (and more)

Ahh... long weekends are great.

Before I get to what I did though, first things first... another reason for me to hate Randy Orton. I was watching Smackdown on Thursday night and through the whole show there was a dude in the crowd with a huge "You Suck!" sign. Considering they took my "Orton Sucks" sign away on Monday, stating their new "no more signs that says sucks" rule and then this sign is prominantly on TV, you could definitely say I was pissed.

I've figured that WWE must've passed their own form of the "Patriot Act" in which people are now having their rights taken away to criticize the wrestlers WWE wants to push. Thus I once again proclaim- Orton=Pres. Bush! And they both SUCK!!!

One thing that did make me very happy about SD though- the debut of Carlito Carribean Cool. I know many people hate him and find him a cheap rip off of Razor Ramon, but you know what... that dude showed more charisma and did more with a monster push in one night than Randy Orton has in the past 10 months. And that my friends makes me smile b/c that is very "cool."


Me and Ariana flipped between watching the Yankee game and the Presidential debate on Friday night. We wound up staying more on the debate though b/c I wanted to hear what stupidity Bush would come up with. We had fun watching it though, cracking jokes throughout the whole thing. Anytime Kerry made a great statement that Bush had no good response for me and Ariana would both do the finger snap all like "Uh huh you go boy!" Which was funny every time.

Oh and every time Bush lost his train of thought and couldn't think of the right word to say I kept praying he would just say "Thingie." Like when mentioning the WMD's or other items he'd get stuck for a second like "and then there were the..." ::slight pause:: and I would just shout "say thingie!"

And dammit don't tell me that wouldn't be hysterical if he actually did?


Me and Ariana went to dinner down in the city with Henry, Maryellen, Christina and Rodrigo on Saturday night. We met around Little Italy and went to Lombardi's- the home of the original Brick Oven Pizza. The pizza there was excellent and it was cool for the 6 of us to chill again b/c it had been quite awhile since all of us had hung out at the same time.

We went to some place for dessert (the name of the place escapes me at the moment) and on the way out we passed some Asian woman on the street who was selling boxes of "Snaps." All of us became nostalgic for our childhoods where we threw those suckers at people's feet (except Maryellen who apparently was deprived as a child and never played with snaps).

So Henry decided to buy some and the lady shoved a ton of boxes into his hands. So all of us wound up buying the extras off him and began playing with them in the streets of NYC like we were five years old again. We wound up going through about 3-4 boxes of those suckers in a three block span. It was a hell of a lot of fun.


Two new shows started last week that are pretty promising. First off is Boston Legal, featuring the emmy-award winning James Spader as the same lovable asshole character he portrayed in the last season of the Practice. The show also features William Shatner in what is probably his greatest role ever... as basically a mockery of himself. It's fun stuff, you should watch it.

The other show, I wouldn't have watched of my own accord, but Ariana asked me to tape it for her and I wound up watching it with her, and sickly enough I found myself intrigued. It was Desperate Housewives. While I've never seen Sex in the City, I think I can compare this show to that, except these chicks are married, and are in the Suburbs. But yeah, believe it or not the plot is kind of interesting, and it doesn't hurt that most of the ladies aren't too bad to look at either.


Wound up beating Spider-Man 2 on Monday, kinda...

What I mean is I beat the boss of the game, but didn't complete all the mini-quests and stuff like that. So even though the game is technically beat, there is still plenty more stuff to do if I felt like it.

I felt the game was pretty quick and complained that I beat it in only 10 hours. But then it was pointed out to me by Chaz, that well 10 hours isn't that quick for a game. I guess I'm just used to RPG's where usually the minimum to beat them is like 50+ hours. But regardless of the "quickness" I beat the game, it was still a lot of fun. I can't wait til they make a sequel, where they can expand on things.

But anyways, I'll prob play Spider-Man a bit more, then if I can't find the Gamecube version of X-Men Legends I'm either gonna start Legend of Zelda: Windwaker or finish up my old Grand Theft Auto games. (School work? What the hell is that? lol)


Henry sent me this hysterical video clip. It's called Fellowship 9/11. Take a guess what it makes fun of? It's funnier if you've seen both LotR and Farenheit 9/11, but you should get a kick out if it regardless. Check it out.


As we all know by now, both the Yankees and Red Sox advanced in the playoffs and are squaring off in the ALCS. I'm actually watching the game as I write this. But before the game started they did some video packages to hype up the game. One of those packages in particular was a Star Wars rip, making use of the fact how Boston (and all the Yankee-haters in the world) refer to the Yankees as the "Evil Empire." So they did a video with the Star Wars music in the background and they made the bats look like lightsabers and edited stuff to look like they were fighting (splicing in shots of the teams ACTUALLY brawling) it was funny as all hell but really well done. I sure as hell got quite a kick out of it.

But anyways, as I was saying. I'm watching the game now and the Yankees hit up Curt Schilling for 6 runs and I am loving every second of it.

Why, you ask? Not only b/c I'm a Yankee fan, but b/c Schilling is a punk. Here's a quote from him earlier this week- "I'm not sure I can think of any scenario more enjoyable than making 55,000 people from New York shut up."

Well the Yanks made Schilling his "daddy" tonight and Mussina had a perfect game up until the 7th inning to boot. So eat that Schilling!

UPDATE: Those Boston bastards just scored 5 runs in the 7th, but thankfully the Yanks are still ahead 8-5. We can hold them off though! Let's go Yanks!!!


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