Wednesday, September 15, 2004


... I'm pretty pissed off right now.

Seems I am once again experiencing first hand the BS of dealing with Fordham politics.

As I stated in previous posts, I'm in the middle of figuring out whether or not I'm gonna be accepted into the Counseling Program of the School of Education here at the Fordham Grad school. The group of professors on the appeals committee met last week, so I went to LC early on Monday to see if there was any update on my status before I went to class that night. I was told by my old professor that it went well but that the decision would have to be approved both by the Dean and the admissions office (something I was not made aware of earlier) and that everything might take anywhere to a few days to a few weeks to be finalized. However, I was told to just go to the classes I had intended to take so I wouldn't fall behind in my work and they would settle everything afterwards.

So I felt pretty good about the situation and went off to class with a smile...

... Silly, silly me... things at Fordham can NEVER be THAT easy, right?

So I'm in the first class (which I noticed is pretty full), and the professor seems very nice, but she does mention that the class is "over subscribed" (read: a bit beyond full) and that anyone not already registered was welcome to sit in the class for the day but would not be able to get into the class in the future. So I began to worry a little, but I still had faith things would work out. I talked to the professor after class and tried to figure out what my chances of getting in would be if I was placed on a "waiting list" to get into the class. She told me flat out that they weren't very good at all. Worry levels began to rise...

I try to shake it off and go to the next class. It was a similar case there, but the professor seems more lenient about my situation (and also the class didn't seem as overly full) but I was still worried that since I couldn't officially add/drop into the class b/c I was not a registered student yet, that my "place" would be taken by a student who actually could do so. Worry levels continued to rise...

I decided to e-mail the professor who has been helping me out through this whole mess about the situation and basically explain to her my predicament. I've only taken the Intro to Counseling 1 and 2 modules so far, and due to pre-requisites required for most classes, I'm only left with a small number of classes to choose from to take this semester. And most classes seem to fall on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Problem is, due to my job, Tues and Thurs are out, b/c of the after school program thingie we do at the middle school at my job, so my only choice was taking classes on Monday.

And like I've stated, the two classes I wanted are full and after checking Oasis, so are pretty much every other Monday classes... leaving me pretty screwed. Not to mention the fact that even if I DID switch out, I would wind up being one or even two weeks behind in the reading and classwork of my new class. Leaving me doubly screwed.

Worry levels had at this point reached Code Red...

So yeah, I send this professor this long ass e-mail explaining everything and just this morning I see her response, which was basically just one paragraph all like "well if you can't get into these classes this semester, you will just have to wait until Spring..." and I also get an e-mail from the professor of that first class saying that I would not be able to enroll in her class."

To which I say:

SCREW THAT!! [read: Worry Levels have now evolved into Anger levels!]

First off, It ain't my fault those fools in admissions screwed up and didn't download my application in time, and that I received my rejection letter too late so I couldn't appeal last semester and have had this issue dealt with back in May! It's theirs!!!

Secondly, I was told by people on that committee that I could go to the classes I wanted to attend and things would be settled later. But obviously people in the department aren't communicating with one another, leaving me screwed out of classes, which is once again- THEIR FAULT! And I shouldn't have to suffer for it and lose an entire freakin semester!!

So now I'm basically stuck between a rock and a hard place. I know it's technically not the fault of the professor's whose classes I want to get into, and I feel bad dragging them into this and don't wanna make a bad impression by basically trying to force myself into their classes but like I said, it's not my fault either, and I'm not gonna stand for it.

So, all day long i've been writing e-mails to people (including another long ass one to that first professor, explaining my entire situation and hoping she has mercy on me) and calling people up but not getting through to anyone. Thus, I'm probably gonna have to take a personal day tomorrow and march down to LC, show my face and try to get things done.

So yeah, to sum up the equation in short:

Fordham + stupid admissions + lazy professors= Me (super-pissed)2

Feel free to respond with suggestions of what you think I should do (note that I've already been advised to use violence, I'm talking about ACTUAL suggestions people, heh).


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