Friday, August 27, 2004

Greetings Citizens!

I was torn whether or not to go to the Dane Cook show last night. It would have come up to about $30 altogether which really didn’t fit in my budget (especially since I had just ordered tix to see Stephen Lynch earlier in the day). But it was way cheaper than seeing him at Caroline’s.

In the end I decided to go, and met up with Sheila right before the show. We hit up the BK Lounge (Burger King to all u non-Dane-Cook-joke-knowing-people) for some food and then headed over to the Comic Strip.

We got there and met up with Marie and some of her friends but then we were hit with some not so great news. It wound up being a fundraiser for 9/11 so it was a bit more expensive than we expected. Four of the five of us weren’t sure if we could really afford it and were almost about to leave, but then Marie turned around and just wound up paying for all five of us.

I felt really bad about that, cuz I didn’t expect it (she did it before we even realized what she was doing). I at least made up for it later by putting my share of $30+ into the bill at the end of the night.

So yeah, it was a little more expensive than I planned but it wound up being worth it. There were like 8-9 comics that performed (each did about 10-15 minute sets, Dane did about a half hour). So it was pretty cool.

Here are some of my favorite jokes of the night (that I could remember, so it’s not much, heh). I also apologize for not knowing the comedians name’s to properly give them credit.

"Nothing smart ever comes after the word ‘dude.’ You never hear "Dude... scalpel." It’s always like "Dude! I just got my watch caught on my ball sac!!" [Although, who else can hear Joe Vozzolo breaking down barriers and using ‘dude’ in the doctor’s office?]

"So my friend calls me up to fix his computer. He’s all like "Dude, I can’t download porn!" So I’m all like "But don’t you have a really hot girlfriend?" He’s all like "my girlfriend doesn’t know shit about computers!"


Dane Cook also was not the final comic of the night. About 3 comics went on after him. Half our group left after the dude who followed Dane but then one of them returned a few moments later all like "They’re not allowing us to leave b/c u have to leave with the bill and everyone has to be together in the group." We were like "That makes no sense! There’s eleven of us (more people showed up after the initial 5), they can’t do that!"

Thankfully that was resolved and the rest of us stayed til the end, but once we got outside, we realized we should have left with the others b/c as we walked out, the rest of the crew was still there and they were all like "We were just outside here chilling with Steve Martin!!!" We were like "Waaaaah?!?!" Then they were like "that’s why we tried to get u to come out with us!!" We responded, "but u didn’t say anything about Steve Martin!! You were just like they were having a hard time letting u out! You could have mentioned that!!" .

So yeah, I was slightly bummed over the lost opportunity, but that didn’t last for long, b/c hell, it was a fun night regardless, and like I said the show was well worth it (it was over two hours long). So yeah, good times were had by all.


In more late breaking news, I found out this morning that my mom got engaged last night to the man she had been seeing for awhile. While it wasn’t a complete shock (the question wasn’t if he was gonna propose just when), I didn’t expect it to be at this moment.

I’m not entirely sure how I feel about the situation. He’s a nice guy and all, but two things crossed my mind when they told me.

First was "damn them, they stole our thunder! Me and Ariana are supposed to be the next people to get married."

Second was- "this is gonna be awkward. There hasn’t been a dude in our house since my mom kicked my dad out when I was 5 years old." I just think it will be weird.

So yeah, just had to share that b/c it’s big enough news, that I really can’t NOT mention it to some degree.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

<-- Greg: It says Anonymous, but what do they know? ^_~= Damn you and your almost luck... almost chillin with Steve Martin! Weird about the engagement, too. Not sure what to say about that, heh.

2:41 AM  

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