Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The Rolling Rock Town Fair Experience

This weekend I was away along with Ariana, Jordan, Gaetano and Goombah for a road trip out to Latrobe, PA for the Rolling Rock Town Fair 5. It was a huge 7 hour drive, but thank the good Lord that Jordan is awesome and had a portable DVD player, and so we wound up watching a bunch of movies during the whole ride there which made the trip seem to go by sooo much faster.

We wound up watching South Park the movie (which had us all singing along), Gone in 60 Seconds (which with the great stereo system Jordan has in his car, we could all feel the engines roaring and the fact that Jordan was practically matching the crazy speeds they were going in the movie, made for an interesting experience), the Dane Cook DVD of his unedited Comedy Central special (which was hysterical) and finally Old School, which is one of our generations greatest comedy's and of course had us laughing our asses off as we all quoted it like crazy throughout the movie.

Once we got to our hotel in Latrobe, we settled in and then headed out to a bar recomended to us by the hotel clerk.

We immediately made friends with the female bartender (even buying her and her sister like 2-3 shots) and everything was sooo cheap. It was funny, at one point the girl was all like "You're bill is getting pretty high, are you guys ok with that?" We asked her "What exactly is high?" She’s like "It’s about $96 at the moment" and we all laughed.

In the end the total bill came out to like $102.50 but for ALL the stuff we ordered it was a steal. Between all of us, we had home-made potato chips, mozzarella sticks, chicken fingers, 3 buckets of beer (six 7oz beers in each), 16 shots, about 3 bacardi type fruit drinks, and like about 4-5 regular beers (and maybe more but I can't remember at the moment).

Now in the city, getting all that would have been like $200-250, EASY. So we made out like bandits. We wound up giving her a great tip and we basically made a friend at that bar, and promised we would be back the next day (which I'm sure she was looking forward to). Those people now know New Yorkers are awesome tippers. We walked out of the bar all like ‘We would OWN this town if we stayed longer, heh." So that was cool.


There is so much to say about the Rolling Rock Town Fair, both good and bad. I will start off with the bad (although it wasn't terrible and we got over those events quickly) and then move onto the good (which far outweighed the sucky parts).

The first annoying thing was that for the most part it freakin rained ALL day long until 5-6pm (and mind you the show was from about 10am-9pm), only stopping for moments at a time. But it was pretty much at least a light steady rain throughout the whole day, which made the fairgrounds ultra muddy (thank god the bleachers on the side of the stage had a covering, so that was a nice refuge) and also the mud provided us entertainment as we watched the insane people slide down this huge mudhill towards the stage (during the earlier parts of the show, more people were watching them and the mud wrestlers than the opening more unknown bands).

The second annoying part really got to me though...

Basically, we got to some seats in the bleachers and this chick is behind us chain-smoking like crazy and it was kind of annoying but whatever, nothing we could really do about it. Then this dude (prob her boyfriend) and his buddy come in (2 huge ass almost biker looking guys) and sit with her and THEY start puffing away. Thing is there was a little bit of a breeze so the smoke was blowing right in Ariana’s face and some ashes were getting on her. So she turned around to the girl and asked if she could point the cigarette away from her.

The girl didn’t say anything but immediately her boyfriend was all like "turn around" in a dismissive and derogatory manner. I didn’t hear it (I had earplugs in at the moment) but Ariana told me about it. The 2 guys were really too big for me to do anything about it though (not to mention it was a compromising position being at on metal bleachers and all), and at the moment, it was just us b/c Jordan, Goombah and Gaetano split off from us to walk around a bit.

But Ariana kept making comments to me about the smoking that were loud enough for the people to hear and at this point I had taken my earplugs out. And well the guy behind us said something about her bitching over nothing, and Ariana turned around and started yelling stuff like ‘Yeah I’m bitching about it b/c you’re blowing f***ing smoke in my face"

And then things just got ugly... a yelling/cursing match ensued, and I tried to keep the peace but the boyfriend was being an absolute dick. Ariana wasn’t even talking to him and both of us were trying to say that we were just trying to ask the girl nicely to point the cigarette away. But they were having none of it. The guy even was all like "you better shut up bitch or I’ll punch your boyfriend right here in the face." That had it for me, since we weren’t even trying to deal with him. More cursing ensued and at this point everyone was watching us (including security, which pathetically just asked if we would all calm down) and I was trying to convince Ariana quietly we should just move b/c it wasn’t worth it staying there. But the dicks were all wanting us to leave, so it was almost as if we were losing by leaving, which we didn’t wanna make it seem like, but in the end it wouldn’t have been worth it to stay. So we left, after some more cursing and moved a section over. But omg, we were just FUMING.

I had so many things in my head I wanted to say to those assholes. I’m normally not very good with coming up with comebacks and insults but I had a few good ones that came to me immediately lined up in my head but it took all I had not to say them b/c like I said the 2 dudes were way bigger than me, and also, we had to climb down these bleacher things right in front of them, so if I said what I was gonna say they could have easily just barely pushed us and we would have fallen and hurt ourselves pretty bad, so I kept it inside, but OMG did I wanna get them.

So I will vent what I would have said here, just b/c this is my blog and I can...

At one point the guy turned to Ariana and was like "Is this your first concert?!?! It must be b/c you don’t seem to know anything! We can f**king smoke all we like"

The immediate retort in my mind was "Dick, this isn’t her first concert, but even if it was that would still be more concerts than the amount of times you’ve had sex in your life... with women at least. By the way you and your boyfriend there make a cute couple. You totally have to be the catcher b/c you must’ve had something up your ass this morning to make you such a bitch."

In retrospect, it’s better I didn’t say that, cuz obviously that would have eroded into fisticuffs seeing as how irritable these guys seemed from the get-go, and that would not have been cool (although if the other guys in my group were with me, I prob totally would have said it, b/c we would have outnumbered them but alas, that was not the case).

So we moved and we calmed down. As I said before, it wasn’t worth it to start anything, cuz if we had we could have been ejected and that would have been a waste.

So yeah, as nice as I am, there are just a few things someone can do or say to me to make me explode, that was one of those things...


Our fight seemed to trigger things on stage though, b/c as Finger Eleven was finishing and the stage was rotating for Finch to start their set, all of a sudden as the stage is still spinning the whole crowd could see a bunch of guys BRAWLING on stage. They’re on the floor and wailing on each other and crap. More guys jump in and at first the crowd didn’t know whether to think it was fake or what, but then security rushed the stage, but it was insane. We were able to tell that one of the bands involved was Finch, but we couldn’t make out who the other dudes were. But we saw one of the guys in Finch pick up a bass guitar and start hitting other dudes with it, but then he got taken down and it was just crazy, the crowd was going wild cheering. It was great.

But anyways, as Finch finished and left the stage, at this point we were in the bleachers and from that area we had a view of the side of the stage as well as to stuff from behind the stage. Well as soon as Finch left the stage ANOTHER huge ass brawl broke out, that only some of us up above could really see. But it was like 20+ guys just beating on each other, it was crazy. Eventually the fight moved behind a tour bus so we couldn’t see what was happening but we saw a bunch of security people running over there. So yeah that was totally amusing.


Now for the better news. All in all, despite the fact of the rain and the annoyance of running into a few assholes at the show, the day was great. All the bands put on great performances, it especially kicked into high gear once Hoobastank came out and did a rocking 45 minute set of all their big hits and it just kept going from there. It was also very amusing to watch the mudpeople throughout the day.

As for a list of all the bands that played (in the order they performed too) here it is:

The Feds (a local act that won some contest to open the show)
Three Days Grace
Finger Eleven
Crystal Method
Velvet Revolver

Each band played from anywhere to 30 mins (for the early bands), 45 mins (for the middle bands) and an hour (for the last 3 bands).

Oh and we found out midway through the day that the band Finch was brawling with was actually Disturbed. The announcer hosting the event got on the mic and was all like "Well we can't NOT address what happened before, so for those of you keeping score, let's just say Disturbed 1, Finch 0"

Later on when Disturbed came out for their set, David Draiman (the lead singer) discussed the events in typical Draiman style (with lots of anger and even more profanity, heh). He was all like ‘We’ll beat your asses if u try messing with us again. We don’t care about jail, we’ll beat your asses send u to jail and when you get out, we’ll be waiting and beat the f**k out of you again and again and again. F**k Finch! F**k them right in the eye!!" It was awesome. I couldn’t wait to see how this would play out on music news and each bands respective message boards, heh.

As for Disturbed's set, it was the best of the day in my opinion, they totally got everyone in the crowd going which was awesome.


We wound up leaving as Velvet Revolver was about to finish up their set. I was happy to hear them play "Fall to Pieces" and they also did some STP and GNR covers by performing "Mr. Brownstone" and "Sex Type Thing" which was very cool.


Oh one very funny thing... as we were exiting the fairgrounds there was a group of 4 girls ahead of us. They were very butch looking girls. They were all super short (the tallest was prob only like 5'2), had short butch haircuts (one even had a mohawk), were all very overweight, and were caked head to toe in mud. As they passed the State Trooper at the main gate, he goes all like "We got us a group of trolls here!"

RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE GIRLS! It was hysterical, b/c he basically just said outloud what everyone around them was thinking. It was just funny that it came from the State Trooper. Me, Ariana and Jordan also said they could pass for Hobbits too (since some were barefoot at the moment too).


And that was pretty much the day at Rolling Rock summed up very quickly (a lot more happened- like us going back to that bar and getting another great deal, but it's just too much to type, I think I got in the main points though).

Here are some fun quotes from the the trip that I just have put in for the crew though:

"Dude (to Jordan) I think we're lost."- Us (as we were trying to find the hotel from the concert)
"Nah, dude I remember this!"- Jordan (his response to every single road we were on... except EVERYTHING looked the same! lol)
"It's ok, Keep driving!! All roads lead to Rome!"- Gaetano

"What fer you driving a cop car out here?"
And "That’s the only kinda car I like to see stuck, a cop car... hyuck." - by some local Hicks who helped us get our car out of some mud in the parking lot.

The trip back was good too. We watched more movies (finished watching Old School, then watched Road Trip, Office Space and Half-Baked).

It was great, during the part in Road Trip where they were in the school bus listening to Twisted Sister headbanging away and going nuts, we did the same in Jordan’s car (I even mimicked Seann William Scott’s crotch thrusting thing which had everyone in the car cracking up). Oh and mind you, Jordan decided to speed the car up at this point to 115 mph for that segment, which made it even more fun.

So yeah, all in all it was a really fun trip. I think a great time was had by all.


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