Thursday, July 29, 2004

I don't know what to title this post... ;-P

So the Yanks wound up losing (boo!) but the Marlins won, so I guess I can't be too pissed.  Felix Heredia still sucks though.


In other news, I was watching Cold Pizza on ESPN2 this morning and sometimes they have musical acts close out the show.  Well today they had Nina Sky (which is actually not a person, but a set of twins whose names are Natalie and Nicole... so I don't get the name but whatever...).  They did 2 songs but they interviewed them first.  It was kinda funny though, b/c they not only have major NY accents but their voices are kinda deep, which you probably wouldn't expect by looking at them (or from hearing their songs).   So I just found that kind of amusing.


Speaking of amusing I have a few new favorite commercials.  Right now my number 1 fav is of course a beer commercial (cuz even though I don't drink beer, they always make the best commercials).  The one I'm talking about I believe is for Miller and it's one in their series of "great inventions."  The invention in this one is the remote control eye twinkle contact lenses.  They show a chick in a bar looking at some dude across the room.  She puts the twinkle setting to one and he sees it and smiles back, so she increases it to maximum power and all of a sudden it goes berserk and she starts shooting Laser beams out of her eyes ala Superman's heatvision and it keeps blasting people all over the bar while she frantically tries to shut it off.  Hysterical stuff.

Fav #2 is the new deodorant commercial with the Asian guy getting attacked by ninja's... insane and stupid but amusing.

and fav #3 I actually JUST saw this morning.  I don't even remember what it was for exactly (I think it was for some chocolate-type drink at one of those coffee places).  But anyways, it starts off with a guy talking with a major lisp and recounting a story (which they show) of how his wife was making a cake and he wanted to lick the beater... which was still plugged in.  Needless to say, it turns on while he's licking it and his tongue gets caught in it.  Just the visual of it (and how dumb the guy acted) had me cracking up.

Those are all I can think of at the moment.  Anyone else out there have any favorite commercials at the moment?  Feel free to share.


Oh and last but not least.  I went to Bestbuy yesterday and purchased 2 items.  The MTV Spider-Man animated series (which I watched a few episodes of this past weekend on MTV2 and wound up enjoying quite a bit) and then Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story.

The Benoit DVD has a bunch of matches spanning his career including stuff from Japan, ECW, WCW and WWE.  Well I decided to pop it in last night before I went to bed to watch the first match, which was actually a very old match from Japan where Benoit as Pegasus Kid (when he had a mask and all) fought Jushin Thunder Liger for the Junior Light-heavyweight title.

The cool thing about the DVD is a lot of matches have alternate commentary.  One by Michael Cole and Tazz, the other with Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and fairly new WWE announcer Todd Grisham.

I decided I wanted to hear what Benoit's group had to say about the match so I listened to the match with that commentary on. 

Well I thought Todd Grisham was lame before, but now I realize he is just a DUMBASS!  The guy was asking the DUMBEST questions and obviously does not know much about wrestling at all!!  And as serious as Benoit and Malenko are, u could hear them at points trying to stifle back laughter (or calling the guy a dumbass) after a bunch of his stupid questions.  Someone needs to please tell me how that fool got a job with the WWE?!  Cuz if that guy can get one I'd be a shoo-in.


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