Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Fire that man!

Ok, I wasn't gonna post again until tomorrow most likely, but I just had to vent somewhere.  I am currently watching the Yankees-Blue Jays game and Jon Lieber pitched a great game and was taken out in the 8th with 2 outs.  But then for some godforsaken reason they put in Felix Heredia to relieve.  Now the Yanks were only winning 2-1... why on earth would u put that loser up there to pitch to one of the Blue Jays best hitters???  Heredia's numbers are TERRIBLE!

So now the bastard just gave up a huge hit and Sheffield made a rare bad throw and the game is now tied... DAMMIT ALL!  And poor Lieber, all that hard work for nada.

Why can't Heredia end up on the DL instead of the rest of the Yankees pitching staff??  Cuz for some reason Joe Torre keeps on using the fool, at least if he was on the DL, he wouldn't have that option... uggh, I'm just annoyed.  Does this game mean anything?  No, not really, but I just spent half my night watching this game and reading comics instead of playing KOTOR, so the Yanks better freakin win.

My only consolation is I just saw that Florida is leading Philly in the 6th, Go MARLINS!  (Mind you, if both the Marlins and Yankees lose tonight I'll be even more upset).


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