Monday, August 02, 2004

A bit out of order

I went to the Rolling Rock town fair this past weekend and started to write a blog to post here, but it's running a bit long, so I'll just finish it up later and post it tomorrow.

In the meantime though, I have to mention that this past Saturday was the 2 year anniversary of the time me and Ariana went to Great Adventure together and started our whole relationship. So Happy Semi-Anniversary to us!

Today is also the 2 year anniversary of me getting my new car (Happy Birthday!) AND the whole me and Ariana going out on "not a date at first but sure seemed like a date by the end" night, which also featured Jordan leaving the bar with TWO chicks, and leaving poor Matt to go home with his tail between his legs, heh (sorry Matt!)


And omg, I have to mention that I JUST finished eating some pizza my mom made for dinner. This wasn't just any pizza though. Usually she makes regular or pepperoni, and lately she's been experimenting with Chicken. But today she made prob one of the greatest tasting pizzas... nay, one of the greatest tasting FOODs ever. It was garlic chicken and pineapple pizza. I wasn't very enthusiastic about it when she told me what was on it, but damn, once I started eating it, it was just sooo freakin good. Like wanna lick the plate clean good, heh.

I just kept thinking of that line by Will Ferrell in Old School: "It's just so good when it hits your lips..."

Congratulations to my mom the chef!


Oh, I guess I should also mention stuff about all the baseball trades that happened (and did not happen) this weekend.

First off, sadly the Yanks did not get Randy Johnson (although I honestly wasn't expecting it), but they traded Jose Contreras to the White Sox for Esteban Loaiza. I don't know what to think of that trade yet. Contreras was good against average teams but sucked against good teams like Boston (who owned his ass). He had more and better stuff than Loaiza though. However, Loiza does have better control. So we'll see what happens. [And oh how I wish they were able to tack Heredia into that trade just to be rid of him...]

But in the end, the Yanks did crap. They're not in much of a better position than they were last week, so now we just gotta pray Brown and Mussina come back nice and healthy and stay that way.

However on the other side of the spectrum the Marlins made some awesome trades! They got an All-Star catcher in Paul Lo Duca (who can really help the Marlins young pitching staff) and a great middle reliever in Mota (to set up Benitez) and all they had to trade was their 5th starter (Penny) and Hee Sop Choi. But while it's sad to see them go, they got so much more in return. They also replaced Penny with a guy from the Padres who is pretty good, so I think they are set. The Dodgers basically just handed the NL East to the Marlins (for God knows what reason but I'm not complaining). So lookout Braves, here we come!


Oh and in other good news, I didn't get to mention before but I finally earned my lightsaber in KOTOR (it's Blue!). So yeah, just had to share that.


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