Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Catching Up

Been over a week since I posted here. That'd be because I was on vacation and too busy doing other things to waste my time entertaining you people (heh, j/k).

But yeah my vacation was fun, I didn't go anywhere but I did a lot of fun stuff. Me and Ariana went to Six Flags on Tuesday to celebrate our hangout from 2 years ago and I got to go on the Superman ride (which I wasn't able to get to last year), so that was cool.

On Wed we finally took advantage of "Wacky Wednesday" at the arcade in New Roc City. Basically you pay $20 and you get unlimited use of pretty much everything (including Lazer Tag, the Virtual Rollercoaster, etc) for any 4 hours from 4-10pm. There is also a deal where u can pay $10 for 8-10pm. It was tons of fun, and I have never played so many arcade games in my life, heh. It's something I'd definitely like to do again with a group.

But the main highlight of last week (the 12th to be exact) was me and Ariana's 2 year anniversary. I took her to this awesome Japanese restuarant called Asahi (it's on 48th bet 8th and 9th ave, I HIGHLY recomend it) and then we went to go see Avenue Q on Broadway.

That show was freakin HYSTERICAL. Tix are a bit hard to get (I had mine for a few months now) but if you can somehow get your hands on some, it's definitely worth it.

We bought the soundtrack to it also as we left and even though we've only listened to it once, we were already able to sing along. Fun stuff.


Oh I also forgot to mention that the Friday before, me and Ariana went to go see Metallica: Some Kind of Monster. It was an interesting look at the lives of the guys in the bands. Any fan of Metallica should go see it, they'd definitely get a kick out of it.

What made that night better though was that later on after we met up with Henry and John around St. Marks we went to this Sakebar over on, I wanna say 9th street (I may be off ask me later if u are interested)- called Decibel. They've got some great food there including Skewered Chicken mixed with vegetables. I forget the name they had for it there (obviously it's in Japanese) but it was good stuff and our main reason for heading over there. And though I run the risk of me sounding like a complete schill these past few paragraphs I must also say this is another place everyone should check out.

Other than the Metallica documentary I wound up seeing like 3 other movies this vacation. I saw I,Robot which was "ehh" but i saw it for free so I can't complain, Collateral which was better than I would have given it credit for, but it was still lacking in certain areas (one of those being it was way longer than it had any right to be), and finally Sat night I went with a crew to go see The Village.

Now that movie SUCKED. I've seen and liked all the previous Shamalyan movies (especially Unbreakable) but this was just bad. The only part of this movie I enjoyed was the fact that I guessed the "surprise twist" like barely 30-40 minutes into the movie. Thing is it wasn't that big of a twist and also kinda took away from the enjoyment of the movie b/c it took away all the suspense of the movie for me, but hey, at least I guessed it and was damn proud of myself for it.

I did get some very good movie watching in despite the stuff in the theaters when me and Ariana spent one night in and watched both Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2 back to back. Now those are some quality flicks, heh.


Watched Summerslam at Phil's on Sunday night. It was a pretty good show, but they let freakin Randy Orton win the damn title. My hate for Randy Orton has been notoriously on record amongst my friends who watch wrestling, so you KNOW I wasn't happy about that.

Last night on Raw helped make up for it though when Chris Benoit went into Crippler mode and beat the snot out of Orton for like 25 minutes and was looking like the Benoit from the mid-late 90's through that whole match. He still wound up losing (D'oh!) but at least it was in a better way than the night before. So I'm satisfied at the moment, but I hope they do something cool with the direction of the show.

I also found out that both Smackdown (a PPV) and Raw will be coming to NY in October, so I'm looking forward to trying to go to at least one of those shows. Anyone else down?


I leave this post with one quote I found amusing and a paraphrase of a bit I saw a comic do on Last Comic Standing this weekend.

"And dissenting views may kindly report to my ass for kissing duty."- The Rick

"...Kerry has the election in the bag. He's married to Theresa Heinz. Kerry just has to do ONE thing to win this election. He doesn't even have to campaign. All he's gotta do, is one day before the election, go on TV and say 'Vote for me... or I take away the ketchup!"- Kathleen Madigan (and Hell yes I agree. Kerry should win anyways, but this would make it a lock, hell even Republicans need their ketchup).


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