Thursday, August 19, 2004


First off, I gotta say that I love my job!

The past few days, we had the student lounge next to us opened up so we could watch the Olympics. Just on Tuesday, our whole office went in and watched pretty much the entire USA Men's Basketball team play Greece, and yesterday we went and watched some Women's volleyball and stuff. Now tell me, what other job would let u do that? Heh.

Speaking of the Olympics, I watched the big events last night also. Congrats to the "helium-man" Paul Hamm (ok did u guys HEAR this man talk after his gold medal win???), and to the USA Women's Swim team for not only capturing the gold but crushing the former World Record by like two seconds.

And in more good news in the sporting world, the Florida Marlins were playing the Los Angeles Dodgers last night and were down 4-2 in the 9th inning and were facing the nigh-unstoppable Eric Gagne...

... and they kicked his ass. They scored 4 runs in that inning to come back and win the game 6-4. That my friends, is awesome.


Oh, funny story. I was watching Cold Pizza this morning and they scroll the scores and some news on the bottom of their screen (as is the custom of ESPN and ESPN2). Well one of their top stories was this:

"Black Bear found passed out in camp at Washington State Park after consuming 36 beers."

I found that highly amusing... oh man, I don't know if it's just me thinking this, but if someone got pics of that, you know it's got world-wide e-mail FWD written ALL over it.


In other funny stuff. I'm sure many of you have either been to (or at least heard of) this website. It's been around for awhile, but I just was linked to it this past week. Basically, what this person did was take the old Public Service Announcements that used to air after the episodes of the G.I. Joe cartoon from the 1980's and redub them.

Some are pretty stupid, others are downright hysterical. I haven't gotten through them all yet, but I'm liking number 7 at the moment (there are like 25 altogether). Go check it out and have a laugh.


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