Friday, September 10, 2004

I am going to KILL George Lucas...

... granted the man did create the greatest movie trilogy ever made (sorry Lord of the Rings fans, Star Wars still kicks ass, without the benefit of 21st century technology and graphics), but the man doesn't know how to just let a good thing be!

First he re-releases the original trilogy in the mid 90's with some changes. I didn't mind most of the changes. The only 3 exceptions (in my book at least) were the infamous "Greedo shooting first" thing from Star Wars: A New Hope, the stupid ass musical number in Jabba's palace, and changing the Ewok "Yub yub" song at the end of Return of the Jedi. Other than that, no real complaints.

But now according to people who have seen advance copies of the DVD release of the Star Wars Trilogy there are even MORE changes added in.

One sounds like a step in the right direction (apparently they are fixing the Greedo shooting first thing, to both he and Han shooting at the same time... still kills some of the Bad-Assery of Han just blowing Greedo away like in the Original, but better than what they did in the Special Edition).

Everything else though seems like going giant leaps BACKWARDS. The biggest change is that Lucas has now added in the ghostly image of Hayden Christensen instead of actor Sebastian Shaw at the very end of Return of the Jedi. How lame is that???

You can read all about the other changes he made to the three films at this website.

I'm just annoyed that the man feels he needs to keep "improving" his movies. People fell in love with the originals, there was no need to update ANYTHING. They were fine as they were.

The kicker is he feels there is nothing wrong, and it is completely up to him if he wants to take artistic license and change stuff around... fine, I'll grant him that if I absolutely must, but why not release both the ORIGINAL versions along with the Special editions on the new DVD set coming out??? People would buy a huge set like that. I know I would. It just pisses me off that we gotta take the extra crap Lucas feels like throwing in as Star Wars Canon now, just b/c he comes up with a "brilliant idea" he couldn't do 20 years ago "due to limitations in technology." I feel like wringing the man's neck all like "Dude, Bullshit! None of that crap was in your mind back then! Quit screwing with my favorite movies!!!"

Don't even get me started on some of the crap he's thrown into the prequel movies so far... (can any one say "midi-chlorians?" shudder...)

Dare I dream that Episode III: Revenge of the Sith will actually kick ass and please true Star Wars fans?? I hope and pray that it does (b/c Episode 2 was fun) but my faith in that occurring is slipping by the day...

... I can at least take solace in the fact that the Animated Clone Wars on Cartoon Network and the Star Wars: Republic comic series from Dark Horse kick ass.


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