Monday, August 30, 2004

Weekend recap... and more!

Had a pretty busy but fun weekend.

-Went to see Aida with Ariana and my family. It was a good show. Not as awesome as Avenue Q or Little Shop of Horrors but still good. We then went to the Stardust Diner on 51st which was fun also.

-Then yesterday I went with Steve, his friend Steve, and Ariana out to Mohegan Sun for a little bit of gambling and a whole lot of Heavy Metal as we saw Judas Priest at the arena over there. It was such an AWESOME show. 100 minutes of pure metal goodness. It was seriously one of the greatest concerts I've ever been to, and for someone who has been to 140+ shows, that is saying a lot. I'd without a doubt rank it in my top 5. You just gotta give props to Halford who is nearly 60 years old and can still hit those ridiculous metal wails and give a performance that would put most frontmen who were less than half his age to shame.


On a completely unrelated note, I just felt like posting a couple of funny conversations and thoughts that occurred over the last week right here:

First, I forget how this conversation came up, but I was talking with Sheila and she mentioned something about how a female's "monthly visitor" gets synched up with the females they spend the most time with. Even to the point that their visitor could be quite late (upwards of 2-3 weeks) if they have changed the specific females they used to hang out with in order to synch up with the new ones they are most in contact with.

This was of course news to me... I believe my exact reaction was "whaaaaa?" She told me it's true though and to ask Ariana.

So I did and she told me, that it definitely can happen, which just led to me making jokes on how women's pheromones are apparently like a Nokia N-Gage. (Funny visuals in the same vein of those weird commercials popping into my head and all).

But seriously, think about it! It must go something like this- once a girl comes in contact with a new female for an extended period of time, their pheromones are all like "You're the 14th huh? Well I'm the 28th... looks like we gotta get to either the 7th or 21st... what? Mary over there is the 18th? Well the 21st it is!"

I'll prob get smacked for these comments when any of the girls in my crew read this (but then again, most of u reading this are prob the guys, so I might be safe for awhile) but seriously, I'm still kinda curious if this is true for the majority of chicks out there. So ladies out there, hear's the time to have your say, comment away! (Yes, I am quite aware this is a cheap ploy to get people to comment to my posts, so sue me).

-The other amusing thought (well to me anyways) was that I made the observation while passing a Chinese Food restaurant, that you never really see any actual Chinese people in any Chinese food places! Think about it, when was the last time YOU saw one?

I think the same goes with some other cultural type restaurants, do you see Mexicans at Taco Bell? I don't recall seeing many Indians at any KFC's or Pizza Huts either. ;-)


Baseball has been very exciting lately, some close races (the AL and NL Wild Card especially) have kept my interest in baseball at an all-time high. And my Marlins are 4 games over .500 for the first time since the end of June. Not to mention that A.J. Burnett made a club record by striking out 14 batters yesterday in their game against the Rockies. They are only four games out of the Wild Card now, so I'm psyched for even more baseball fun. Now if the Yankees could only manage to get a few wins out of their starting pitchers (1 out of 15??? Pathetic...) I'd feel even better.

Wrestling has been decent as of late also (well except the Orton as World Champ thing, but oh well). Anyone else been watching (if so, comment!)? If not, then you should, it's quite fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man,
Yeah, girls' periods can actually get in sync as the girls said, as long as they spend lots o time together. Medicine hasn't quite been able to explain it, they think it has to do with hormones and pheremones. It's in any new medical textbook. From an evolutionary note, with animals the females match up with the Alpha female to increase their likelyhood of being impregnated, since males constantly monitor the times at which females are fertile. And if you are still with me now, as you can see, medical school debunks, and takes the fun out of things for the sake of education, DAMN!!!

1:45 AM  

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