Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I don't wanna be an "American Idiot"

Just got back from the free Green Day concert in the city. It actually wasn't IN the J&R Music World Store. It was outside nearby over at Park Place (between Broadway and Church St). Basically Park Place is a wide 4 lane street, so they closed off 3 lanes, put up the stage in the front of the block, had a GA section, then some gates where they had the soundboard, and behind it another GA section. I got there around 4:15 (show was supposed to start at 5:30 but it actually began at 6:20) so I wound up being in the second GA section. That was fine though, b/c I still had a great view.

The show wound up being pretty cool. They played just about an hour and mixed up stuff off the new album with some of their bigger hits, so I had a good time for the most part.

Why "only for the most part" you ask?

That'd be b/c just about 90% of the audience truly lived up to the phrase "American Idiot." Just not in the way Green Day meant it. They're talking about people who support Bush (read: retards), while I mean they were just freakin IDIOTS.

Case in point- as I mentioned there was a divide between the 2 GA sections with the soundboard in the middle. Well as soon as Green Day hit the stage, everyone in the back GA section started to mosh, crowd-surf and just push forward, crushing everyone together against the barricade. Thing is, the barricade wasn't supported well and actually fell over.

Luckily some guards were right there and were able to pick it back up immediately, but the crowd kept being ridiculous and pushing as the guards did all they could to hold us all back.

I was getting pretty pissed b/c thing was, there was NOWHERE TO GO!!! I swear, I wish one of the guards had a sign all like "Do NOT Pass Go, Do NOT Collect $200."

But people kept pushing and crushing me and everyone in the front (I forgot to mention I was fairly close to the front of this back GA section). But if they kept pushing they would have knocked over the barricade again and if they did so would have messed up the soundstage, effectively ending the concert that we all waited around 2+ hours for.

So common sense would say stop pushing right? Well to people of average intelligence it would. But like I said, we were dealing with idiots here and the stupidity among this crowd was boundless. Luckily the crowd was mostly filled with 13-18 year olds who were a lot smaller than me so I was able to hold my own along with some fellow adults that I made acquaitance with while waiting for the show to start, and push people the hell out of our way for awhile. But there were 2-3 bigger guys in particular who were each probably drunk or high that were being REALLY obnoxious. One of them was especially getting on my nerves and I so wanted to punch him right in the face (but I was secretly hoping one of the guards would do the deed for me and kick him out as well, as he was really in their faces too and did not deserve to be there).

Speaking of the guards. It was absolutely obvious that they had never seen or been in any situation like this before. They had no clue how to control or contain the crazy crowd. You could see it on their faces how much they were freaking out. I was tempted to push my way to the front to just give advice to the poor schmucks since I'm pretty much an expert with these things.

But I digress, I'm bitching a bit more than I need to. The crowd calmed down enough by about the third song that I was able to enjoy the rest of the show. Which as I stated before my rant, wound up being quite fun.


Noticed something kinda funny but which also made me think while coming home on the train.

There was a little girl (maybe about 2 years old) in a stroller with her father. Being all happy and stuff but quiet. That is until a man sat down next to her with a soda from McDonald's in his hand. The child immediately yelled happily, "MCDONALDS!" Which got an amusing reaction from people surrounding the child. One woman even said aloud what everyone was thinking "Boy, kids sure learn what that logo means right away."

And it just made me realize that is SO true. After a child learns the words "Mama" and "Dada" their next word is usually "McDonalds."

I kid you not, I've seen and heard this before. Kids learn that logo mad quick.

And we wonder why our nation is full of fat-asses? We're RAISED on that crap...


Was playing Star Wars: KOTOR last night, and I was in a level with a Sith Training academy and a small town nearby. Well the town had a cantina in it with a sign for it outside. The name of the cantina in question?

"The Drunk Side"

This had me lmao for a few good moments. So simple, yet so funny. What makes it funnier though was I mentioned this to Ariana today and in that convo we both got to pondering how a fun an actual Star Wars themed bar would be.

Imagine, female bartenders looking like Leia (either with the buns in the hair, or for the hell of it the slave girl outfit) or the dancers at Jabba's palace. Some of the tables stands could look like R2-D2, and hell the bouncer could be a dude in a Chewbacca costume. We both found this quite funny. But seriously I think something like that would go over quite well in real life. I know I'd go to one if they existed... although that might just be b/c I'm a geek. ;-P


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