Friday, September 17, 2004

Trying to not think about "the situation"

Still upset over the stupidity going on about my admission into the Counseling program. I went down to LC yesterday to speak with people face to face to try and get everything resolved. However, yesterday just happened to be Rosh Hashanah and apparently our nice little Catholic University seems to be mostly filled with Jewish faculty. So lots of people were out. I tried going to admissions, they sent me up to the Counseling program office, who sent me back to admissions, who sent me to one of the chairs who wasn't there, so I was sent back to the program office who sent me back to admissions, who finally sent me over to the Dean, and guess what? The dean wasn't in! (and he's not even Jewish! grr)

In the end I spoke with an assistant to the dean who was very nice and gave me an add/drop slip and told me to write a letter to Dr. Keitel saying I was told by personel in the dean's office to speak with the two professors and have them admit me into their classes. Thing is, I basically already kinda asked for this in a round-about way in my e-mails to her and she gave me that whole "you might have to wait til next semester" thing. I feel that she just doesn't wanna step on any toes and force the professors to take me into their classes, and I understand that, but it still screws me.

So I mentioned this fact to the assistant and she understood but also told me that, regardless, it's part of her job and she should do it since I was told verbally that things would be fixed for me once the approvals went though. I still asked if there was anyway I could just speak to the dean though but basically she said, he can't do anything unless I get approved by Keitel. So it's all just a stupid viscious circle. The assistant did tell me that another chance of mine was to speak to the head of the program- Dr. Chen (basically the middleman between Keitel and the Dean) and see what he says. So I went to see him, and of course, he's out for the day!

It's like "umm... it's Dr. "Chen!!" He's Asian! About as far from Jewish as you can get! Why the freakin Hell is he off on Rosh Hashanah!"

So yeah, basically nothing was accomplished... I left the letter for Keitel in her mailbox, but she's not back until Monday, so I'll just have to wait and see what happens. I'll keep everyone posted.


But enough about annoying things, some good stuff has also happened this week.

-I wound up registering and actually getting through for a wristband to go see Green Day perform live at J&R Music World down near City Hall. That should be pretty cool. I saw Weezer in a similar event (over at the Virgin Megastore in Times Square) a few years back and it was awesome. They played like 10 songs too. So if Green Day does anything like that, it will kick much ass. So consider me psyched.


Other things that have me psyched:

-Yankees vs Red Sox this weekend... you KNOW my ass will be glued to the TV this weekend to watch those games. Hopefully the Yanks can take at LEAST 2 out of 3.

-Over in the wrestling world, both shows were pretty damn good this week. Raw seems to be heading to a huge HBK-Christian-Jericho-Edge feud, which can mean nothing but good things. And over on Smackdown- Viscera and Gangrel returned! Freakin Gangrel man! I used to love that dude. His entrance was probably the coolest wrestler entrance EVER. If they keep him around and still use the old music and entrance, I'll be a very happy guy.


This is also for you wrestling fans out there:

- I had forgotten to mention last week, but after watching Raw and seeing Eugene getting his ass kicked, we all now know he'll be out of action for some time. Well usually when that happens, WWE will make like a music video thingie to hype the wrestler's return to action. So me and Ariana just thought it'd be absolutely hysterical if when they did this for Eugene they used the Black Eyed Peas- "Let's Get Retarded!"

Tell me you couldn't see them doing it too! I'd laugh for hours straight. Just thought I'd share.


In totally unrelated news, Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic, just keeps getting better and better the more I play. I've just finally earned the skill to effectively be able to handle two lightsabers at once... let the (Darth) asskicking begin!


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